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I slowly open my eyes to see that Harry is staring at me. 

"What are you looking at?" I grumble.  His dimples appear before he speaks. 

"You're beautiful" he says and kisses me on the forehead. 

"Do we need to get your eyes checked?" he chuckles and shakes his head before climbing out of bed.  His toned, tan body moving across the room.  

"You want to take a bath?" He asks pulling on a clean pair of boxers. 

"Do I smell that bad?" I ask pretending to sniff my armpits. 

"No, I just thought maybe you'd want to clean up a bit.  I could join you ya know" he winks at me "I'm gonna go brush my teeth, then you can take a bath" he says and leaves the room.  I hear the bath water running so I get out of bed and throw on a big t-shirt that's long enough to cover my crotch and hobble to the bathroom. Harry smiles at the sight of me. 

"Will I be joining you this morning?" He asks with a cheeky grin.  I yawn.

"I kind of want some alone time, so not today" I tell him and he looks worried.

"Is-- do you---" I raise my brows now understanding what he is trying to say "last night?" he finally says rather quietly.  

"Oh, no! I don't regret anything about last night." I reach up to kiss him, there's still a bit of toothpaste on the corner of his mouth and I gently lick it off in the kiss. 

"I just am used to having more personal time, and I haven't really been alone at all the past few weeks." I say and he nods. 

"Ok, well let me know if you need anything" He says and walks out shutting the door on the way out.  

Did he think I regretted last night? Does he regret last night?! No, I doubt it. When I'm done wrapping my casts I slide into the warm tub.  The warm water instantly relaxes my muscles.  The aroma of the bubbles puts me into a deeper relaxation.  Everything seems so perfect right now.  I don't want to go back to San Diego, I don't want to be stressed over classes, I don't want to be without Harry... I get a slight chill.  I actually just got the chills from thinking about being without Harry.  No, I guess I've just been in here for so long that the water isn't warm anymore.  I haven't even started washing up.  I quickly was my body and hair.  I feel for my bald spot.  There's already almost half an inch of hair.  I climb out of the tub and some bubbles still cling to my body so I decide to hobble over the giant standing shower and let the warm water wash off the bubbles.  Harry walks in and looks into the big glass door of the shower. 

"What are you doing in there?" I try to cover myself and he laughs. 

"Just rinsing off the bubbles, get out" he's looking me up and down and it shouldn't make me uncomfortable but I'm still self conscious.  Especially with all the ugly yellow-brown spots that scatter my skin indicating that there used to be bruises.  

"Fine! Fine" he says throwing his arms up and walking out.  When I make my way to his room in my towel, he is nowhere to be found.  I go into the closet and pull on shorts and a t-shirt.  I'm kind of cold since my hair is still wet so I grab one of his sweaters, he won't care.  I make my way out to the main part of the flat. 

"I made breakfast" He smiles standing over the stove. 

"Well look at you!" I laugh and sit at the table. He brings over a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. He sits and we both eat.  

"Anything special you want to do your last couple of days here?" he asks between bites. 

"Yeah, rip up my plane ticket and not leave" I say half-kidding. 

Don't Let Me Go (Harry Styles fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora