Chapter 7: Into the Bunker

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After hours looking through the journal, we found lots of new information. For example, the name of the family that had been working for Bill.
"Garseea dee Vai-eedma" Dipper said struggling "How is this supposed to sound? Spanish people are so crazy, am I right?" He said as he nudged my arm smiling.
"What do you mean?" I asked pretending to be angry "You know I'm Spanish, right?"
"Er... I-I'm sorry! I didn't know that!" He stuttered.
"Just kidding, I don't mind. And by the way it's García de Viedma (Gar-cee-ah d-eh Vee-eh-dmah)" I said laughing at his face.
Dipper looked at the clock on the kitchen wall.
"Oh shoot! I'm gonna be late!" He said standing up.
"Late for what? A date?" I said wiggling my eyebrows.
"Yes! I mean, NO! We're just friends."
"Is it Wendy?" I asked and he blushed.
"I don't have time for this! Bye!" He said and run out of the shack.
"Omg, I ship it so much!" I said fangirling.
I mean, they'd be so cute together.
"ONE DAY YOU'LL HANG OUT WITH SOME GUY AND I'LL GET MY PAYBACK!" I heard Dipper shout from the outside, and then it was my turn to turn red. I couldn't help thinking about Bill. I-I mean, that weird ass triangle I wouldn't date or anything in his human form. Because, you know... He's not hot at all...


Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Soos, Clara and I were walking through the forest. Wendy and I were left behind and instead of trying to catch up with the group I started asking her about the not-date.
"So... How was it?" I said wiggling my eyebrows and making her punch my arm.
"Dude! You know I don't like him back, right? I mean, he's funny, sweet and all that stuff, but he's like one of my little brothers."
"I know, I know... Just kidding" I said rising my hands "Do you think he's gonna tell you anytime soon"
"I don't know. I hope so, it'll help him release some stress."
"Hey, you two, don't stay behind! I think we've found something!" Dipper shouted to us standing around a tree.
When we got there he tapped a pen on his lantern.
"Thank you all for coming."
"Hey, when there's a mystery, you can count on your sister... Hey!" Mabel said realizing it had rhymed.
"That's an amazing rhyme." Soos laughed "When you want some, good... When you need a Soos, you... Oh oh, gosh, I don't know."
"We're here to solve the number one mystery in Gravity Falls; who wrote this journal?! Thirty years ago the author vanished without a trace. But according to this new clue," He turned on his portable black light, revealing hidden drawings on the page "we may have found his secret hiding place. We find that author, we learn the answers to everything. We just need to figure out a way to get down there."
"Chop it down, dudes!" Wendy said fist pumping the air "Dude, I'm so stoked about this. I've been wanting to go adventuring with you guys. Sure beats picking up after my dad at home. So... Thanks for the invite, man!"
"Of course, anytime you wanna.. I, we're always... Us." Dipper said flustered.
"Uh oh!" Mabel poked Dipper "Inviting Wendy on our mission? Me thinks there's romance afoot!"
"No, look, I've thought this through and I'm over Wendy. I've looked at it from every angle, and that thing was going nowhere. I know what matters to me now, and it's finding the author of this journal." I heard Dipper explain to Mabel.
"Hah! You're over Wendy?! Allow me to put on my 'skepticals.' " She made circles around her eyes with her fingers, as if they were glasses "Whooop!"
"I've moved on, Mabel. You should too."
"Skepticals..." Mabel muttered looking at him.
"Hey, is it just me, or does that branch kinda look like a
lever?" Wendy said pointing at a big curvy branch.
Dipper turned his back on the tree and Wendy used her belt to start climbing up the tree.
"Huh, yeah. But how do we get up there...? It seems we'd need like a ladder, or like, ladder shoes... Yeah, ladder shoes. I'll get Soos to draw up a prototype." He started to ramble while Wendy pulled an axe out of her belt, swung it around and hit the lever.
"Oh yeah, my dad used to make me compete in these lumberjack games when I was a kid. Guess I kinda ruled at it." She explained, when she got down, smiling.
After that the tree began shaking making a metallic sound.
"Whoa, what is that?" I asked looking as some crows flew away.
Suddenly, the ground and tree started to sink down, taking me with it. But the others pulled me out before I could fell in. We stood around it as a staircase to the middle of the tree appeared, and subsequently a door inside the tree opened.
"Alright guys, this is it. Remember, whatever happens down there, we tell no one." We all nodded and
Dipper held up a lantern "Now, who wants to go first?"
"And... What if we all go down? Like... Together?" Clara asked while looking at the stairs.
"I think that's a great idea!" I exclaimed, a bit scared. But who wouldn't be scared if they were going to a bunker in the middle of the forest.
We all walked down the staircase and into a room.
It was kind of rusty, filled with old technology and survival kits.
"It's like a fallout shelter or something. It must've belonged to the author."
I whistled in awe as Wendy took the Fallout Shelter poster off the wall and dusted it off
"This is going over my bed."
Mabel put her face in a barrel and came out with caterpillars on her face, laughing "My face feels fuzzy!"
"That's disgusting Mabel! Don't get near me!" Shouted Clara covering her eyes.
"This is incredible! It's like he was preparing for a disaster." Dipper exclaimed looking around the room.
"But what kinda disaster would need supplies for over..." I looked up a shelf with dated boxes, the highest labeled 2070 "Sixty years?"
"Oh my gosh! A Smez despenser! I remember these things. What's that, yes I will have some of your old-timey face food. Soos said after opening a locker full of weapons and ate candy from the dispenser "Ew, dusty!" He said but ate a second piece.
"Wait guys, I think this can was opened recently."Dipper said holding a dripping bean can.
"The author might still be alive, down here!" Soos exclaimed.
"Wait a minute..." Wendy pulled down a map of Gravity Falls from 1982, revealing an open hatch cover "I think I know where he might have gone..." Then crawled through the tunnel, leading everyone in.
I stayed behind looking at some papers in a desk.
Suddenly I heard buzzer sounds and felt the floor vibrate. I ran to the tunnel but found out that it was closing.
"Guys! Are you okay?!" I shouted through the small opening. All I could hear was them starting to panic and something which sounded metallic moving.
I started pounding on the metal piece as I called their names, but there was no response.
I got up and started to look around for something to open the tunnel, but the only thing I found was a map of the bunker, so I kept it.
After more than half an hour I heard the entrance of the tunnel opening. I turned around and started crawling through it.
At the end there was a room with symbols on the walls and floor, which were rusted.
At one of the side there was Dipper's vest and a piece of paper with four symbols written on it.
"Ok... So... I have to press those symbols for something."
I started looking for them, some being in places I had to jump to be able to press them.
When I did it a door opened just in the place where the vest was.
I got to the other side to find a surveillance room, but it was empty, so I got the map out and looked at it.
The first thing I had to do to find them was to get out of the room. In the outside there were two paths, one to the right and the other to the left.
I looked at the map again, the one to the right led to a room called 'Summoning Room' and the other one to the 'Isolation Room'.
So... As I didn't know which path I should take I started saying:
"Eeny meeny miny moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go. My mother said to pick the very best one and you're not it." At the end my finger was pointing to the left "Ok! To the right then!"
I started walking and I got to the room. There were papers lying around, triangular crystal prisms and a circle drawn on the floor with candles all around it.
It was quite dim so I got my lighter out and turned some of the candles on.
I looked down to the circle and inside of it there was a big drawing of...
Bill Cipher.
"W-what?!" I exclaimed as I looked around, there were drawings of Bill everywhere.
"What if... What if he's the author... And he's just trying to tricks us all..." I muttered in panic as I looked at the necklace I had to always wear, his necklace.
I had to get out of there and find everyone, they could be in danger!
"WENDY!!" I heard Dipper's voice echo.
I turned around and started running in the direction the sound came from.
When I got to where everyone else was they were all drenched form head to toe in the other room.
Inside of one of the big tubes there was a frozen Dipper.
"Guys! Are you okay?!" I ran to them and I hugged Clara "I was so worried!"
"Good luck sleeping tonight!" Soos laughed as Dipper stared at the frozen version of him.

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