Chapter 10: Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained: the Hide Behind

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It was 7:30 am and we were already walking in direction of the Mystery Shack to meet the twins. Clara had woken me up telling me, more like shouting at me, that Dipper had called to inform us that Mabel and him were gonna go look for some creature at the woods. She made me get up quickly and run outside of our bungalow, without letting me stop to have breakfast. That morning I was in a pretty good mood, Bill hadn't bothered me at all and I had slept very well.

When we arrived to the shack, Clara knocked softly on the door and after a few seconds, Mabel opened it and greeted us whispering.

"Hey! Grunkle Stan is still asleep, so don't make a lot of noise." We walked to the kitchen, where Dipper was waiting for us while having breakfast. "Do you want to eat something?" Clara and I both nodded and Mabel went off to fetch something for us. "A glass of Mabel Juice for you and a mug of coffee for you." She gave our drinks to Clara and me respectively and Dipper gave us some toasts and butter.

"So..." I started after I sipped on my coffee "What are we gonna do?"

"Well... We're recording some videos called 'Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained' and I want to go and look for one of the creatures of these woods, the Hide Behind." Dipper explained to us while taking his dishes to the sink.

"Cool..." Clara muttered in awe "So... We can be in your video, right?"

"Sure! The more people, the better!"

We finished our breakfast and went to the attic, where Dipper explained us what he had planned; to go out and ask people about the Hide Behind. He handed Mabel and camera and asked her to start recording. She turned the camera on and whispered to Dipper, while he finished writing on a cardboard sign:

"We're on!"

"Oh." He cleared his throat and started talking "Hello. And welcome back to Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained." Clara held up a UFO keychain from behind the camera and made it buzz "Thank you. Today we investigate Gravity Falls anomaly #132: The Hide Behind." Dipper held the title card up as he smiled. Mabel stopped recording and Dipper opened the Journal, showing the page where the creature was shown to the camera, and hestarted recording this time. "Local lumberjacks tell of a mysterious creature, always just out of sight." He pulled a picture of its footprints out, showing it too "But these photos suggest it might actually be real! Either way, I intend to find out!"

"YAAAH! HIDE BEHIND!" Mabel shouted after jumping out at Dipper, making him scream and drop the camera as we laughed.

After we stopped laughing we picked everything we needed and went to the house of Soos. We had the intention of interviewing the people of Gravity Falls and we needed his help with the microphones and all that stuff.
"Hey, dudes!" He greeted us when he opened the door as he high-fived each one of us. "Let's do this!"

The first place we went to was the sawmill of Manly Dan a.k.a Wendy's dad. We walked to him, as we had heard he had had an encounter with the Hide Behind.

"Hello, Mr. Corduroy. Can we ask you a couple of questions about the Hide Behind?" I started talking when he stopped cutting wood with his axe "We're doing a documentary and..."

"Of course!" He exclaimed with his deep voice and he gestured us to get away from the zone where his sons (even thought one of them was a little kid) were cutting trees down. We started preparing everything, before we nodded at him, and we turned the camera on. He started talking as I held up a cardboard that had written 'Manly Dan. Lumberjack / Punching enthusiast' on it "Hide Behind? Oh, he's real alright. REAL AS MY BEARD! He was behind me once; made this sound: tchktchktchktchktchktchk." He said wiggling his fingers, making me look at him in confusion "Mighty spooky."

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