Chapter 8: Dreamon

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Day 1:
Fucking fuck shit goddamnit God what the fucking hell in fuck for fuck's sake?
Fuckity fuck.
Fucking triangle.
Now that I've calmed down, I'm gonna explain why I'm doing this.
I'm writing in this diary because of that goddamned triangle. I've had him as my only company for two days, two days! And he's already driven me crazy! If I don't write this I think I'll go insane.
So, let's clear something up, this is not a diary, it's a dream journal. This is embarrassing enough, so I'm not gonna call it 'diary' and make it even more embarrassing.
So I think I should start the first dream I had.

'Alice in Nightmareland'
I looked around me and saw that I was in the same woods from the last dream, but this time there was no table with candles to be seen and I was alone.
There was a triangle with a big eye in the middle of it carved on a tree. I sighed, knowing that it had something to do with Bill, and I got closer to it.
"Look... down?" I read out loud as the letters appeared on the tree's surface.
I did as it said and the floor below me opened, making me fall as I screamed.
I fell for what felt like hours but was probably more like, a few minutes? Until my ass collided against a chair, making me groan in pain as I looked around, realizing that I was in the middle of nowhere.
Literally nowhere!
Everything was black and I couldn't see a thing.
After a few seconds stars started to appear and I could see a table and mirror coming, floating, to where I was sitting.
"You're late, Alice! Off with her head!" I heard a familiar loud voice shout.
I looked around, searching for where the voice was coming from.
I saw something moving in the mirror, and suddenly Bill (in his human form) was there, all dressed in red, black and white. His eyepatch looked like a heart and for once he wasn't wearing a top hat, but a crown. His skin was really pale and his usually golden hair now was strawberry blond.
"What are you talking about?!" I exclaimed looking at him from head to toes. "And, what are you wearing?" I finished laughing at him.
"How dare you talk to the King of Hearts that way?!" He frowned but then smirked, showing his pointy fangs "I think I'll have to punish you~" I looked at him in disbelief, I mean, that's how most of the smut fanfiction started (and, before you say something, I don't read smut) "But not now! Let's have some tea!"
He snapped his fingers making a teapot and a cup appear. In the other side of the mirror another cup appeared.
"So... What's all of this about?" I said as I stared at the teapot, which was filling my cup with my favorite tea, earl grey.
"What's all what about?" He grinned mischievously as he stirred the tea in his cup without touching the teaspoon.
"You know what I'm talking about" I said glaring at him as the same teapot poured some milk in my cup.
He laughed (with an attractive laugh may I say) and offered me some sugar cubes, completely ignoring me until I accepted them.
"Well, darling, we're falling down a rabbit hole in our way to my kingdom, Wonderland."
"More like Nightmareland..." I muttered as I took a sip of the drink.
"Ouch, that hurts!" He said putting his hand on his chest pretending to be offended "But you're right, aren't you such a smart cookie?" His hand went through the mirror's surface and pinched my cheek.
"Wait! You can get out of there?" I asked surprised because that was the first 'move' he had made on me.
"Of course I can" He said and smirked "Do you want me to prove it?" He leaned a bit and his head poked out. The hand that had previously pinched my cheek grabbed my face and got it closer to his.
"D-Don't you dare!" I stuttered as I felt my face reddening.
"What?" He got even closer to me and I felt his breath brush over my lips "This?" He started to lean in, our lips almost touching, when suddenly he leaned back and started laughing at me "Don't worry, love. I won't kiss you. Yet. Well, unless you want me to." He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.
"Oh my God, no!" I exclaimed pushing his face away with my hands.
"Well, I'll just have to wait a bit more. Wink." He blew me a kiss as he closed his visible eye. "Maybe you couldn't tell because I have just one eye but I just winked. Anyways..." He looked at a golden pocket watch that was floating in his side of the mirror "It's time for you to wake up. Don't miss me too much!"
Then he snapped his fingers and everything went black. When I opened my eyes again I was back in the bungalow.

[He Will Be Watching Me] Bill Cipher x OcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora