Chapter 2

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As we got to the bus i got more and more nervous, I mean what will the guys think of her, will they let her say, well they have to now ive told her she could stay if she wanted. Cass looked abit nervous too she was hid behind me like a child. She was so small she just came below my shoulder.We walked up the stairs and i saw everyone on their phones. i checked mine to notice i had 58 missed calls and 63 text messages. I guess i was too caught up with Cass, oh well i had a really good time, walking..haha. 

"Mate where've y' been? we've been looking all over for and thanks for not answering our messages or calls!" Oli said hecticly

"Yeah! were on in about 20 minutes! what got into you!" Lee added.

"Calm down, i just went for a walk to think."

"Think?! since when did you start thinking?!" Jona stated. All the lads started laughing.But when Cassie came out from behind me everyone stared at her, She looked terrified. They looked...stunned. Hopefully a good stunned.

"Guys this is Cassie"

"Oh noowwwww, we know what you were up to. Your were picking up hookers for us!" Oli yelled out rudley

"Wait, shes no hooker, shes too hot to be one" Matt said coming up from behind Jona.

"Hes right im not here to fuck anyone Matt told me he could give me a job?" Cass said cheekily and everyone laughed.

Everyone looked somewhat confused except Lee he just looked normal. Lee was a pretty chill guy so he just went along with everyone.

"Yeah, we needed  a new drum tech guy, so i told her she could be it and she doesnt have anywhere to go so shes staying on tour with us. Don't worry she can sleep in my bunk so you lot won have to give up yours." 

"You can stay in my bunk anytime you want babe" Jona winked. she went bright red and gave an awkward smile and moved closer into me. She was so hot.

"Alright you can stay but guys fucking hell we've got a concert to play move!" Oli shouted. I was so glad she got to stay, i was really glad i was going to get to know her. As the boys left i waited behind to talk to Cassie. Hopefully she was willing to stay even though the boys had let her already.

"Cass! they're letting you stay! im so happy were gonna have an awesome time together!"

"Yeah! even though i hardly know you ahaha, so can i help with the drum stuff yet Orr....."

"No, its fine today! we got someone to help but definitely tomorrow!, d-d-do you want to stay here and eat and rest or something or do you wanna come watch us play?"

"I'll come watch you play!"

After a long awkarad silence I led her back stage and we all got chance to speak to her. The boys really liked her. Hmmmm maybe they only liked her because she was hot. Oh well at least she got to stay.

After about 5 minutes it was time for us to go on. first Jona went on a loud cheer came. This was my favorite part of shows. hearing and feeling the energy from the crowd always hyped me up. Then Matt k. went on and more cheers projected through the building, then Lee went on. All the girls loved Lee he was quite the ladys man actually. Then it was my turn, like alwaysi felt abit scared and nervous but as i walked out on stage I felt infinante. Especially with Cassie looking from he side. I stood at my drum set as i looked at the crowd and they cheered I felt like a king. It was only a small crowd as we played a small venue but it was still loud as fuck. Then i could hear the crowd chanting Oli's name. Even though it wasnt my name i knew they still acknowledged me. Lee played the first riff and they screamed even louder and then i hit my drums to start the beat and the feeling went on through the whole show. The feeling of heaven. 

After the show we all showerd and chilled on our bus. The bands we toured with were sleeping already so we were on our own. 

"So Cassie since your staying with us for a bit we'll have to give you a proper greeting." Matt k. said. All the band smiled as Cass looked confused i knew what was happening. I gave her a cheeky smirk as we all got up. Cassie remained on the floor looking really freaked out. 

"CHARGE!!!!!!" I screamed as we all piled on top of her as she screamed for air. It was hysterical. She never saw it coming.We were all crying with laughter. As the night passed everyone had slowly drifted off to sleep except fro me and Cass.

"Cass? Do you like staying here?"

"yeah but.."

"but what?"

"i feel like im invading, ive only just met you and, well, all this kindness is ust new to me and.."

"and what?"

"Its weird I hardly know you and i feel like i already like you?"

"what? do you hate people when you first meet hem? haha" I knew what she really mean i just didnt wanto seem pushy

"No! i mean like like like you." Damn i like liked her to i felt like a 16 yea old boy.

"Well thats okay, i kinda like like you too. I realised she had fallen asleep, i picked her up bridal style and put her into the bunk i slept on the sofa becuase i didnt want to seem like a personal space invader. I wish she had heard me, now ill have to wait for a moment likethis again.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cassie's POV

I awoke in Matts bed, with no idea how i got here.Omg if he carried me cringe. I checked my phone and its 3pm, why am i up so late.

"Good morning dove" Oli said.

"Erm, morining...." I paused for a moment. "SHIT!  ive got to get to work!

"Yeah you fucking do!, now stop lounging about and get to work we aint paying you for nothing. Oli scowled at me. Wow these guys wernt as nice as Matt made them out to be.

"Leave her alone Oli! Just because you have a hangover doesnt mean you can get all crankey with everyone. Dont worry Cass hes like this all the time you get used to it. But come on lass get up! What were you and Matt up to last night?!" Lee said playfully. I just laughed, honestly i didnt know what to say. Im guessing i went bright red.

"We wernt up to anything last night! And I'm getting up calm down!"

 I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I was surprised when i go there because i found a litlle present with my name on it it was wrapped in purple paper and had my name in black ink. Obviously I opend it. I unwrapped it and it said "I didnt know if you had like toiletries so i bought you some, from matt" In it it had a toothbrush and toothpaste and showergel. It was cute but weird, but cute. Aww he was so sweet. I showerd and brushed my teeth and made my way to the venue. I started setting up and doing everything for the drum set and plugging in the speakers and all that. It felt good to be actually working and like well...just living. I felt like i actually mattered. Not like how everyone treated me before i met matt, wich was like shit. I liked Matt like alot. He really helped me out. Even though ive only known him for 1 day i felt like ive known hime for my whole life. Although im really surprised that he let me stay and gave me a job. I mean im a total stranger to him. 

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