Chapter 9

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We got to the club and we walked in. OH MY FUCK HERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE THERE. As soon as we got in the boys were already drinking. Including Matt. The atmosphere was eletric and this night was goint to be fab. Oli pushed a drink into my hand and smiled and walked off with some girl. i couldn find Matt anywhere, he was already gone. But i trused him. I really wish i didnt though. I decided to get another drink and sit down. I was already drunk. I could hardly move and i was feeling dizzy. Matt K approached me and sat with me. He and i were probably the mos sober people there. And he was the only one wih out five orange girls around him. Apart from Matt, atleast i hope.

"What's the matter Cass? arent you dancing with Matt? Why arent you as pissed as him" He screamed over the music while chuckling.

"I dont know where he is! He got a drink and Oli dragged him off and i havent seen him since!" I screamed back. I was feeling abit angry now. I wanted to know where he was and what he was doing, I sounded like a creepy obsessed girlfriend apart from i wasnhis girlfriend yet. I needed to stop. I didnt want to be like this, like getting too many feelings for a guy then him possibly fucking me over.

"Cass? you still there, do you wanna go find him?" Matt said waving his hand in front of myface. I snapped back to realiy and decided to do that.

"Okay" I replied as we got up.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matts P.O.V

As soon as we got to the club all the anger left my mind. I got dragged away from Cass by Oli. What the fuck was he thinking? This was my only night to prove to Cass that i love her and he was fucking pulling me away. And until I thought things couldnt get any worse, FUCKING CHLOE SHOWS UP. I'm terrified of whats going to happen. I tried to get away but like i guessed her snake like eyes made there way to find me once again. "Matty! I knew I'd find you!" She screeched in her annoying high pitched voice. I sighed and gave up. I'd have to talk to her face to face at least once. And at least this time i wouldnt have to be infront of Cass. I turned around to see her beady eyes staring at me. And her fake smile grinning evily at me. "Chloe." I said in disgust. She approached me swaying her hips at me. The smell of alcohol left her mouth. Her arms draped around my neck. I could feel her pulling me in tighter into her grip. I was starting to sweat. I didnt know what to do, her hands were all over me nown. she pushed me onto a chair and sat on me. My heart was racing now. Then all of a sudden i elt her lips merge into mine. I could feel her tounge down my throat. I sruggled to get her off but she was like a leech. Then Cass came into view. My eyes met hers. Pain filled them. I saw Matt glance at me and then her running off and Matt running after her.  "I dont want you.! Fuck off Chloe, go find another guys life to ruin." I ran off regretting this whole night. I hope she hasnt gone far. She couldnt of gone far, she didnt know where she was. All I could think about now was her where she was. And how i was never going to be with her anymore. My life was over.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cassie's P.O.V 

I wen searching for Matt with Matt, we searched for about 10 minutes until i saw hi. My heart shatterd into a million peices. I knew i shouldnt have loved him. I knew i shouldnt have let myslef fall for him. I knew that he would just leave me for someone prettier and better. And i was right. He was sat there with some blonde bimbo sat on top of him sucking his face off. And him not even trying to get her off. I felt betrayed, i dont know why though i should just be used to be second best, well not even second best like 6th or 7th best.I felt the tears rushing through my eyes. I just turned and ran. I didnt know where i just ran. I didnt want to be with anyone right now. I didnt need to be. I just ran for my life. I ran like there was no care. The tears seaming down my face blurred my eyes. Everyhting was a blur right now. I just needed to be in my own thoughts. "Cass! Stop!". It was matt k. I honestly wanted to stop and talk but i knew that if i did id have to face Matt again. I ran out of the club and to he bus. I changed back into he clothes I came in and took everyhing i came with I left everyhing Matt had bought me as It would just remind me of him and make me even more upset. I left a note telling them I was okay and not to come find me. I just couldnt do anything anymore. It's not like the guys were the cause of my whole life but This whole thing had just triggerd all my emotions. I just need to be alone. Forever. 

I quickly ran from he bus and to the train station getting a ticket back to manchester. I needed to leave everything behind. All this mess was caused by me loving Matt and i knoew if I could get away from him I could sort this mess of a life out. I ran as fast as I could so that they wouldnt find me. My heart was slowly dying and i could feel the shatterd heart ripping out my insides. This excruciating pain was caused by this excruciating love. I can never love anyone anymore. Thats when i realised how pointless my life was and that it should just end. I realised I couldnt live with out Matt but I also realised i could never live with matt in my life. I knew if we had ever had a proper realtionship I would soon irritate the fuck out of him and he'd soon leave me. And Matt was too good for me. Every guy was and that would also make him leave. Just like everyone else. This was my new start.

Okay, here you go. If anyones reading? So yeah. Byeeee:)

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