Chapter 10

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Matt's P.O.V 

I ran out of the club as fast as i could, searching for cassie, but my vision blurred from he thick tears fludding my eyes. I couldnt think, nothing was going through my mind except for Cass, where could've she gone? I really didnt know. Matt was beside me also looking concerned. My heart raced until the thought hit me. THE BUS. She wouldnt have left without her old stuff. Without another thought I sprinted to the bus. I opened the door and screamed her name, despite the breath i needed. "CASS, WHERE ARE YOU...Please be here please be here." I pleaded to myslef i searched around the bus for her. She was nowhere to be found. "Cass!CASS! CASSIE WATERS!......please answer me." My heart sank as no answer came. I needed her and i wanted her. But i fucked up...bad. By just letting chloe even near me i lost what i needed the most. I lost Cass. 

"Matt, where are you mate?!" It was Matt. He seemed so ou of breath. I heared him stumble through he bunk are to the lounge area. He faced me with what seemed like agression in his eyes. "You fucking wanker! You dont kiss you ex when you want another girl.!! Now Cass has run away and we have no idea of where shes gone! You such a twat." He grabbed my shoulders trying to shake some sense into me, but i just sat there emotionless, No idea of anythig. Just replaying images of Cass in my head. Matt stopped shaking me and walked ove to the table a scruffy not lay there. 

I marchd over to him and snatched the note off him. "OI!" He said in annoyance. I read the note. It was from Cass and it read:

Matt, Matt,Lee, Oli, and Jona, im gonna miss alll of you. Ive had a grand time. But i dont think I can stay anymore and use all of your stuff. But thanks for all this help youve gave me and the great time. And thanks Matt, i love you. But im going away fro a while I wont be back, dont try and follow me. I think its best we're apart. I'm sorry. Love you all. 


My heart sank. Then more tears came streaming down my face. I lost something i couldnt replace. But i couldnt just give up now. I needed to find her. I looked at Matt and stared at him for 3 seconds. He knew what i was thinking, Me and Matt had that kind of friendship. We would always know and just...get eachother. I wiped my eyes and ran of the bus. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and typed in Cassie's number. It rang once, then twice and then another few times and it went to answer phone. I put down the phone and re typed it into my phone. Finally she answerd. "H--h-hello?" My voice panicked not knowinG what to say..."CASS! IS THAT YOU...WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU CANT JUST LEAVE LIKE THIS TELL ME. i NEED YOU SO MUCH. JUST LET ME SEE YOU ONE LAST TIME. I CAN EXPLAIN EVERYTHING. PLEASE. please dont leave." My voice cracked in sadness. I just needed her and she wouldnt say anything. All i could hear was her weeping on the end of the line. That sound made my heart break for the millionth time. Then the sound of a voice echoed down the phone. "Matt i want you to forget about me and everything hats happened, and jst leave, please." She hung up however I knew where she was and i was not letting her get away. I ran even fatser to the train station, nearly tripping along the way.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cassie's P.O.V

Matt's voice broke my heart, I kept telling myself that this would be the last ime id veer see him. Tryin to make this easier for me. I could never face him again. I knew he knew where i was but i would be one by the time he'd get here. 

Until my eyes grew wide with surprise. Matt was already here. His eyes caught mine. They glistened in the moonlight. I could here his small weeping from the other side of the empty trainstation. Hopefully he couldnt hear mine. I cowerd myself together, trying to hide myself hoping he wouldnt see me. But me knowing the harsh reality, knowing he saw me. "Cass! Thank fuck!"

He sprinted over to me i quickly got up and tried to run before he could get me. But his hand gripped my wrist tightly. Not letting go or even loosening. "Matt" I pleaded. 

"No, Cass, listen. You cant run away from your problems. You cant run away from me. Just let me explain. I've loved you since the moment i looked up at you on that bench, I- I fell in love with you since the moment i heared your voice. I fell in love with the way you sat and the way you talked and the way your hair fell perfectly into place and i fell inlove with the way your eyes sparkle. And i love the way you snuggle into me at nigh. I fell inlove wih he way you lied terribly. I - I - I fell inlove with the way how your body was always warm. I fell inlove with the way you kissed me that night. I'm pathetically inlove with you. And i dont know what i'd do with out you. Just please dont leave. Chloe came on to me ask anyone. Give me one more chance. Please. I'll die with..out you. I love you Cass" I heared his voice break and then the sound of crying filled my tears. My already broken heart sank. I turned to face him. He looked so broken. And this was all my fault, for being too overdramatic. I stared up into his eyes and gave him and apologetic look. He swiftly pulled me into a hug and tightend his arm grip aound me. I buried my head into his chest and took in the scent of his cologne. 

"I love you tot" I whisperd into his chest, his grip tightening. He pulled away and looked at me. Suddenly his lips crashed into mine, I felt him biting my bottom lip begging for entrance and i happily let him in. I pulled me as i wrapped my legs around him. We remained there till our hearts were satisfied.

                                                                          The End.

Well damn ive had a grand time writin this, Its been hard but good, My first ever story. Sorry if its shit:( but oh well. Thanks for reading. :) Might do an oli stroy? comment if i should! 

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