Chapter 4

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After the show we all got ready. I ran in the shower first because I dont waste time staying behind and messing about. I slipped on some skinnys and a t-shirt. I'd fuck me i thought to myself. I got out and everyone else waited their turns. One after another they all eventually got ready. After cassie cmae out everyones mouths dropped. She looked fucking stunning she did her hair nice and he was wearing that shirt she wanted with a pair of short shorts. She looked hot. Thats all i can say. After about 5 minutes of staring we headed out. I put my arm around Cass and we headed out into the taxi. we wen to some underground club. As soon as we got in all the lads were downin shots. Tonight was going to be crazy. I bought a tray of shots for the lads and Cass and they were all gone within 30 seconds! 

We all made our way to the dancefloor and danced and danced and we were so pissed. Oli and Jona had picked up some birds and were trying to get on them .But I couldnt find Cass anywhere. I staggerd away due to the amount of alcohol i had consumed to look for her i searched around until i spotted her. She was with some guy fooling around. KIssing him and stuff! i was so fucking pissed off. I litterally wanted to knock his head off. He was on MY Cass. MY FUCKING CASS. I was about to walk over until i realised she wasnt actually my cass. i hadnt of actually asked her out. so i just stopped and took a seat carefully watching to see if she was safe. And nohing bad was happening. But then the guy tried to get on her and i know she didn like that she was struggling to get out. 

"CASS! GET OFF MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND MATE." I screamed pulling her away from the stupid twat. "STOP BEING SO HORRIBL AND TRYING TO GET ON GIRLS THAT ARE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. YOUR AN UGLY BASTARD WHO WONT EVER GET A GIRLFRIEND."The man was too drunk to reply and lay there ina paralyzed state. I know my words were harsh but i was drunk and he was hurting Cass. And i didnt like him. 

"Matt calm down he was just playing and ....girlfriend? when did this happen?" I felt so embarrsed i didnt know what i was saying so i just made any old thing up.

"Erm yeah i made that up so he wouldnt do anything to you and forget that you need to be more careful! Make sure you consult me before you try to fuck some guy"

"You sound like my dad" I just ignored her she sat down and passed out the others were still partying the night away so i decided to take her back. I picked her up and carried her to the taxi. She looked so cute all passed out, just laying there. she was so beautiful. I really loved her but i didnt know how to say that to her. We approached the bus and i payed the taxi man and thanked him. I lifted her and carried her in. placed her in the bunk and tucked her in. I wanted to get in with her but i didnt know if she would be comfertable witht that.

I grabbed a spare blanket and tucked myself into the mini sofa. Im not going to lie the sofa was pretty comfertable, it wasnt as bad as i thought. I drifted off, only half asleep though. My brain was filled with thoughts and images of Cass i couldnt get her out of my head. I just couldnt. She was amazing. I awoke to the sound of heavey drunken footsteps. Probably the boys i thought to myself. Then i heard a high pitched voice.

"Matt, Matt wake up." The voice sounded sad and down, but I ignored it because my mind wasnt fully awake. "Matt wake up goddamnit i know you can hear me." 

"Cass? Whats the matter? its 1am"

"Can i sleep with you tonight? I feel abit unsafe at the moment...." My mind woke up straight away. Why would she feel unsafe? did someone say anything to her?

"Why what happend?! Did someone say something to you?!"

"Calm down, I'll tell you in the morning, dont worry about it. Just answer my question can i say with you tonight?"

"Okay, you better tell me. And yeah get in then"

I moved ove so she'd have space to get in. She climbed under the covers and curled her arms into herself and placed her head in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in as close as possible. Leaving no space between us. This night was perfect. It was like all my dreams were coming true.

I was sleepwalking.(Matt Nicholls fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now