Chapter 3

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Matt's P.O.V

I saw Cass setting the stuff up. i couldnt get her off my mind. She was perfect i every way. i approached her and tapped her on the shoulder; Causing her to jump and squeal.

"Oh urr, Hi! Sorry i just got a little freaked out then i didnt know wo that was." She giggled and gave an awkaward smile, but friendly.

"Sorry dove! did you sleep well last night then? oh and are you gonna come out tonight with us?"

"Yeah i slept well! thanks!, I was just wondering how i got into your bunk? And it depends where we're goin tonigh and what we're doing?" She said the lasbit cheekily and smiled cheekily too.

"Well if you want we could discuss that later over a coffee? when your finshed maybe?"

"Im finished now actually but i kinda look like a tramp sooo...haha i don hink youd wanna be seen with me at the moment until i can afford some new clothes.." She said. In my opinion she didnt look like a tramp and she looked beautiful. I really wanted to talk to her some more.

"Well i could buy you some new clothes now if you want? I mean you are finished right?" She looked kind of shocked. maybe i was coming on to her too fast, i dont know?

"NO! Youve already gave me so much im not taking your money to buy me clothes. For god sakes Matt your too nice, but im not taking anything else of you!"

"Do you know what Cass? I dont care. If your going to stay with us you cant live in the same clothes. Us lot like to live clean." That was such a lie as all the guys just lived iin filth. We can never be botherd to tidy up. I grabbed her by the waist and flung her over my shoulder, good thing she were light as a feather or else i wouldnt have been able to do that. "Time to go shopping!" I said in a girly high pitched voice. She struggled and tried to get out and kept calling out rape as a joke, but i didnt let her go. "OI get a room you two!" Matt k shouted and laughed. "And get off my woman!" Jona winked.

I put her down when we got outside and i grabbed her hand and started walking towards the shopping centre.

"Matt, you really shouldnt do this, this is baisically kidnap! and anyway im not going to get anything. Ill just say i dont like it and therefore you wont be able to get me anything."

"Cass i dont want to walk around with you if youre wearing the same clothes all the time, and i know when a girl likes something so you cant fool me im the shopping queen!....i mean king!" 

We arrived at the shopping center and the first place we went into was urban outfitters, She was wearing an urban outfitters hat so i figured she liked it in there. We walked around and looked at some stuff and i saw her looking at this shirt. It was white and seethrough wih some kind of metal thigs on them. 

"You want this dont you? come lets go get it."

"No, actually i was judging its ugliness and its very ugly so i dont want it." She was such a bad liar. But i bought i her, because I knew she liked it and she would probably look well hot in it. God i sounded like gok wan. I forced her into buying some other clothes and we came back o the bus.

"Shit you guys got alot!" Lee said

"Well she needed some new stuff man!" I replied. This day was great. i spent most of i with Cass and it was perfect. She acted like she wasn happy wih everything i got her but i knew she was. 

After about 3 hours it was time for our show. I was pumped and ready to go. The same feeling over came me but it felt not right. I feltwrong because cassie wasnt there but then i spotted her face in the crowd she told me shed watch the show. Now i felt better.

I was sleepwalking.(Matt Nicholls fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now