Chapter 7

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Cassies P.O.V

I woke up he next morning again in Matts arms. Today was th last day of tour. The last day I'd see Matt for probabaly forvever. Last night was eventful and it would probably be awkward today but I wanted to enjoy this day with him so i quickly went to do my job. I thought about  Matt, and I just couldn stop thinking how all this was going to be over in a matter of hours. I know I could just ask him out but..I couldnt let him in. I didnt want to be hurt again. Once you experience something like that, you dont wanna do it again. I finised off the work and walked back to the bus. Only Oli was up. Oli was and early riser.

"Morning dove" He smiled. I liked Oli he was nice and he was like a girl so it was easy to relae to him.

"Morning, do you want something to eat, I'm going to make soe toast."

"Yeah, but dont make toast and you cant really make anything the gas and all thats not working, you fancy going to a resurante for breakfast?"

"hmmm, sure" I said excitedly. We made out way to the resturante and walked in. Oli got us a table and we orderd our food. We were casually talking about tattoo's then the conversation turned to Matt. I wanted to talk about it but I didnt at the same time. I knew if I did I'd probably breakdown. 

"Cass, you know Matt loves you alot. I know he genuinley loves you. If he didnt he probably wouldve fucked you then threw you off tour. And I can tell from the look in his eyes that he loves you. When your not around he gets worried abou you. He never stops talking about you and hes just baisically always thinking abou you. Withou you he's gonna go nowhere he needs you and your like his feul. I know you two have only known eachother for like 2 weeks but I can tell he is really in love with you. And dont bullshit me I know you love him too. I heard you two last night, geting all sloppy and shit. Just give him a chance. Please." My mind filled with thoughts of what Oli had just said. I wanted to give hima chance but i was too scared. And i never knew Ma thought about me that way. When Oli told me that i felt butterflies in my stomach. But there was a voice inside my head telling me that i was goin to get hur again and that i should just stay away. I realy didnt know what to do. Then I thought fuck it.

"You know Oli, youre right. Thanks. Im glad your in my life. Well for now after today ill probably never see you again."

"Dont be silly! Of course I'll see you again. We'll text and everything and besides, You'll be Matts girlfriend soon! I'm at Matts everyday. Meaning I'll see you everyday. And you'll soon be sick of me" He winked as i chuckled. We finished our food and walked back to the bus. Every one was up now including Matt I just smiled at him as he came over and hugged me, he whispered into my ear "I'll never hurt you" 

"I know" I replied. 

After everyone was ready we all went out shopping Lee, Matt K, Oli and Jona went to topman as me and matt went to Mc donalds because me were hungry. We got our food and sat down. We were silen for a moment as we ate our food then I needed to let wat i wanted to say out so i just spoke.

"Matt, I probably wont see you after today and what i want to say is thanks for everything. And i love you. If were gonna want o see eachother after this. You have to promise me somehing.."


I stared at him deepley for a moment. "Dont leave me for someone else. I know im not that great, I know im not the best looking lass and im probably not the most funniest but it fucking hurts when someone does it to you..leaves you.

"You are the most beautifullest girl i have ever seen, your more than great your my one and only and your fucking hilairious doll, why would i ever leave you and who could ever compare to you?" I smiled at him with a huge smile blushing due to all the compliments. He was so cute. I loved him.

"thanks" I blushed. We ate our food and headed to our meeting point with the guys. They had bought ALOT.

"Wow you lot shop more than me and im a girl!....Is there something your not telling me?" I said jokingly and smiled at them.

"We didnt get all this, its all Jona's." All of them looked at Jona as Jona tried to hide his face in embarrasment. We all chuckled at him as we made our way back to he bus.

guys, its nearly over. Thanks for reading though!:)

I was sleepwalking.(Matt Nicholls fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن