What's This? Part 1

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Dyala's POV

I was coming home from my latest photo shoot when something stuck in the street's drain caught my eye. I'm in public, so I can't look too obvious, so I quickly, and hopefully unnoticeably, picked it up while getting into the car.

~Time skip to home~

When I got home, I went straight up to my room, totally ignoring Naizak, my agent... almost.

"Dyala! Where do you think you're going young lady?" Naizak scolded me.

"Uuhh... To my room?" I said, starting to question it.

"Oh no you don't." Naizak told me. "You still have a meeting, and an interview, AND a fashion show you need to do!"

Oh right... I almost forgot! I thought and mind-slapped my forehead.

"Never mind having lunch!" he added after he heard my stomach growl.

"Hehehe..." I chuckled nervously at that last part.

Naizak checked the time on his watch, "Scratch that. No time for lunch."


"Yes, seriously."

I gave a pouty face. I really was upset about not eating lunch.

"Fine! I'll see if we can change the meeting to a lunch meeting." Naizak said. He had given in to my pouty face once again. It never fails me!

"YAY! ThankyouThankYouTHANKYOU!!!" I smiled and hugged him. WHAT?! He's my substitute dad!... Which means he's basically like my dad!

"Okay, Okay, OKAY! SHEESH! Come on we better go. Don't want to keep Ms. Maniere waiting." He said, leading me to the car.

~In the car~

I sat in the car looking out the window, my mind wandering while Naizak was reading me my schedule for the day-basically packed until 8:00 pm if you include driving time.

I wonder what it is. I thought. Did somebody loose it? Or maybe someone put it there to see if someone would find it? What if it's a key to a huge mansion? Oh wait... Don't need that, already got a dozen of my own spread out through different countries and cities. Maybe it's a new piece of jewelry. Or what if it's just a letter in a nice box? As I kept thinking about what could be in the little box I found, and why it could have been there, I didn't notice Naizak say my name.

"Dyala? Dyala~. Hellooo. Earth to Dyala. DYALA!" Naizak said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Wha...!? Oh, sorry Naizak."

"You have got to stop spacing out! Have you even been listening to a thing I've said?!"

"Yes!" I quickly answered, acting as if I was taken aback that he would ask that to me.

"Oh really..." Naizak said with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes." I said with confidence.

"Prove it."

"After we finish the meeting with Ms. Maniere at precisely 2:00 pm, we need to get back into the car and head to BNN, arriving there no later than 2:20, so I can get to hair and makeup with enough time that I'll be able to be finished by 2:45 for my interview. When my interview is finished I have no more than three minutes for congratulations and goodbyes, so we can get in the car by 2:50 so we have enough time to drive to the runway, including possible traffic, and arrive no later than 4:00. There's extra time between the goodbyes and when we need to get into the car by for getting out of the studio. When we get to the runway, I have to go to hair and makeup, then get changed into my first outfit for the show, which starts at precisely 6:00 pm." I repeated to him. Naizak's jaw dropped, not having expected that answer I guess.

"Wh-wh-wh-. Well what's the name of the person who's interviewing you?" He asked in a defensive tone.

"Uh... Um... Uuuuhhh..." I stumbled thinking for a second.

"HA! You don't know!" Naizak exclaimed as if he just won.

"Nouvelles Entretien." I replied proudly.

"B-b-bu... I DIDN'T EVEN TELL YOU!" Naizak stumbled astonished, and all pouty-faced.

I just laughed at him.

~Time skip to after I get home-because the rest until then is pretty boring, exactly as I explained it would be~

When I got home I ate dinner, then went straight to my room (for real this time), and closed my door. I went onto my bed and took out the box I found that morning, the curiosity getting to be too much.

When I opened the box there was a flash of bright light.



HEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!! Sooo happy to be writting this! BTW sorry about the cliffhanger, BUT... As you may have been able to tell Dyala FOUND A MIRACULOUS!!!! And I haven't decides on a name for her new kwami. The options are: Hayyala, Jayade, and Urbi. My faves are Hayyala and Jayade, but I kept Urbi as an option because it sounded the most like the other kwamis. I think I might take Urbi out of the options, because I just don't like it as much. But this is the final post-first season edit (including origin episodes (ya, saw them. Shipped Adrienette so hard!), so I had to change stuff about Dyala's miraculous and kwami to go with it (yes, that means this kwami aint like the others, which is why there is even a question about the kwami's name)). Please vote for your favorite in the comments!

And if you were wondering or confused about the weird names for new characters, I've made a personal decision that in every book I write, there will be a little key or hint with the names... So see if you can crack the code!



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