What's This? Part 2

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"Hello!" a little voice said.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Wait who said that?"

"Me!" the little voice replied. I looked around but couldn't find the source.

"Down here silly!" the little voice said. I looked down...


"SH! Someone might hear you!" the little white creature said, worried, while it covered my mouth with its tiny hands, or at least tried to anyway.

"Are you done?" it asked me. I nodded in response. "Why don't we start over?... Hi! My name is Jayade and I am your Kwami! That in the box there is your miraculous, when you put it on you can transform..."

"Wait... What?"

"Sorry, I'll slow down a little. I'm your Kwami. A kwami is like a personal adviser and better-than best friend. You are also my master now. When you put on your miraculous, which is in that box in your hands, and say 'Transform', I, your kwami, will get sucked in and you'll be transformed into a superhero with cool powers and abilities..."

"I don't mean to interupt, but I have a question..."

"Oh no. Did I say something wrong? Did I make a mistake?..." the little cre-'kwami' said starting to freak out. 

"Okay, okay, okay, I didn't mean to freak you out."

"Sorry. It's just that this is my first time."


"Yes... I'll explain it to you later. For now you said you had a question?"

"Ya: I didn't know there were any supervillians here... Are there?"

"Good question. And this is were I need to shift away from what kwamis are normally supposed to say to their new master... I'm no ordinary kwami and you're no ordinary miraculous holder... Here, why don't I just tell you the story from the begining: 

[BEFORE YOU READ ON... Did I get your attention... Good. Watch the clip BEFORE you read on.]

"But what no one knew is that there was one more miracle stone, more powerful than any of the others, including Ladybug's and Chat Noir's. This other miraculous stone was created and hidden away by the gods, who feared that it was too powerful for anyone to weild. They hid it away in a secret location, not telling anyone about its exsistence, for they feared people might want to steal it and gain its great powers.

"Thousands of years passed, and this all-powerful miraculous stone went without an owner. All of the other stones had had many owners, and so many new about all of them and their powers. A book was made about these heros, describing their powers, transformation, miraculous, and kwami. But this miraculous wasn't included, for no one knew about its existence... Until now... Until you.

"Now let me fully explain this before you rush into it... You can't tell anyone about this... Not even other miraculous holders. Before you transform, I must put up a magic-proof barrier, no magic can go in and no magic can come out, so no one can sense the magic released during your transformation, or you activating your miraculous. And you cannot, I repeat CANNOT take off your miraculous... EVER!"


"Oh, right. I almost forgot to say... I am kind of like a princess kwami, closest to and sent down by the gods... So that makes you like a princess when you transform..."

"Might that be why my miraculous is a tiara?"

"Yes... AND also, most miraculouses already have an animal tied to them, but since you are this first miraculous' holder, and this is a 'different' kind of miraculous, the animal you transform into will be a direct reflection of a part of you mixed with royal-ish stuff."

"Uh... I don't think I'll be able to wear a tiara all of the time..."

"Easy solution... Just let me put up a magic barrier so you can activate your miraculous..." As she said that, the little 'kwami' reached up to the sky with her tiny little arms, then brought them down, making a little bubble around us.

"Huh? Wa-?... Woah..."

"Pretty cool, right?"


"Now to actvate your miraculous, all you have to do is put it on." I did as instructed, and put on the tiara...


Hey again! Sorry about another author's note and another cliffhanger... Hate all you want... I decided to end this chapter here, because I totally did not know where to end ths chapter, but it needs to end, and I thought this was an OK place to end it at...


I actually don't like reading cliffhangers if I had to wait, but for some reason while writting... Ya...

Anyway, I think I might wait 1 week before publishing the next chapter... What do you think?... I mean I'm writing this all in advance (or at least trying to(like right now when I'm writting this, I still do not have any of the three names I asked for help on, they're litterally blanks that look like ___)), so it shouldn't be too hard, because I already know how I want it to go.

You know what... If and when (not during school hours from 8:00-3:30 my time) 5 different people say they want it sooner I will post the next chapter then.

Feel free to comment if you have any questions!

Oh yes, and if I say I need help with somehting for this book, it means I NEED HELP!!!


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