First Transformation

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I'm dedicating this chapter to anyone and everyone who voted or added my story to their reading lists. Thank you so much!

Dyala's POV

"Now that we're done with my bed, you should try to transform for the first time." Jayade suggested.

"Sure, I have some time before lunch. How do I 'transform'?" I asked her.

"All you have to do is say 'Jayade, gems shine!'"

"Ok... Jayade, gems shine!" And with that my hair clips glowed and changed back into a tiara. *cue transformation music* I swiped my hands in front of my eyes and a sparkly white mask with some feathers on the sides appeared on my face. I flipped my hair up and it went into a perfect bun, then I tapped the top of my bun and extended my hands back and white feathers grew out of my bun. I stretched my arms out and sparkly transparent white "sleeves" that covered the tops of my hands. I did a tour in second to the left and the costume went onto my entire body. I tondued to the front with my left foot after finishing the turn and landing facing right and a pointe shoe appeared on my left foot. I piqué-ed up onto my left foot and did a first arabesque and a pointe shoe appeared on my right foot. I brought my right foot forward so my feet were in the b-plus position and brought my arms up and behind my back in the swan back bend and white wings came out of my back. I rond de jambe-ed my left foot to the front and faced front and held one of my arms up and the other out straight. *end transformation music*

I looked at myself in my full length mirror, admiring my new look. "This is so cool! Ohmygosh I love this costume! What do you think Jayade?" I looked around for Jayade. "Jayade? Where are you?"

In your tiara. I heard Jayade's voice in my head. I thought I told you, in order for a miraculous holder to transform their kwamii has to be sucked into their miraculous, for you, your tiara. I can still communicate with you when you need me, but as far as I know, we're the only ones who can communicate while the holder is transformed.

"Oh, okay. You also said something about each miraculous holder having a special power when they're transformed..."

Yes, it helps them in battle.

"So, do you happen to know what mine is?"

Unfortunately, no. All I know is that you have multiple, all more powerful than any of the others, and they will each be revealed to you when the time for that one is right. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you.

"You don't need to apologize. What you told me sounds plenty fair."

I could almost see Jayade smiling in my head. Well standing around here isn't going to do you any good. It's time for you to start training! Why don't we start with learning to keep your miraculous' existence a secret by absorbing the extra power inside the bubble.

"How do I do that?"

Focus. Imagine all of the excess power coming into you, or more specifically your tiara. Then just do what comes naturally.

Third Person POV(Sorry it's kind of better this way, because... Well, you'll see)

"Ok. Here goes nothing." Dyala said. She closed her eyes and held her hands out in front of her. As she did, her tiara glowed, and a cyclone of magic went from all around the bubble to her palms, and through her body to her tiara, making it glow brighter.

Perfect! Now, to expand the bubble. Just focus on the bubble getting bigger. Jayade said in her mind.

Dyala pushed her hands out to the side and the bubble expanded.

Great! Now try to fly. That's going to be really important later on.

"Ok... How does this work?" Dyala asked while trying to flap her wings a little. "Here goes nothing." With that she flapped really hard and took off, a little shaky at first.

When she finally got the hang of hovering she started to dive, zoom, and loop-de-loop all around her room.

"WOOHOO!!!" Dyala shouted as the wind lapped against her face. She was having the time of her life flying around her massive room.

There was a knock at the door. "Dyala, it's time for lunch." Naizak called from the other side.

"OK. I'll be there soon." Dyala answered. "Quick, Jayade, how do I transform back?"

Just say 'Jayade Gems Dim!'

"OK... Jayade Gems Dim!" Dyala said. She started glowing as her costume came off and Jayade came out of her tiara. "Let's go. Training builds up quite the appetite." Jayade hid in Dyala's pocket as she walked down to the dining room for lunch.


HHHEEEEEEYYYYYY! So sorry for not updating for, like, two months but vacation and freshman orientation kind of got in the way...

ANYHOO What did you think? Please give me feedback. To help me improve this book and my writing. I should hopefully start updating more regularly now that school is about to start, because I will have a set schedule for my writing. ONLY ONE MORE CHAPTER UNTIL DYALA GOES TO PARIS! YAY! If you have an outfit you want Dyala to wear, pm me a picture and I'll put it at the top of a chapter. AND you can be expecting new books hopefully soon! Not the one I asked you about before. I don't think I'm gonna write that one... But from other fandoms! And many CROSSOVERS! Oh ya, I forgot to mention... Tomorrow is my first day of high school!!! It's a college prep school, and one of the top in the US. I'm going to be taking two AP classes this year, and nine throughout high school! And all other classes, except for electives, are honors! But I'm happy I got in. Last thing: Do you guys want a video of me or one of my friends dancing the transformation I choreographed? So you can visualize it better?

Now, I better go 'cause it's like 10:25 right now where I am,and I have my first day of school tomorrow and I don't want to get into trouble. SO...

Comment, vote, and, why not, follow!


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