FridNetha 1982

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[Anna's perspective]

"Hey Fri..."

"Hey Anna..."

"Is it really that hard to act in a film?"

"I cannot say. Just allow the lines of your character to flow in you."

"Oh come on! You know how poor I am when I act."

"Don't bluff me Anna. You are great too. I cannot wait to watch your film. Believe me, you are going to be just fine."

I sighed. I just feel happy talking with Frida. I find comfort in her. She makes me laugh, cry, and angry sometimes. But I feel like I have the best best friend in the world.

"By the way, I heard that you've been recording for your new album. Can I hear a bit?"

"I don't want to spoil anything, Anna. Besides, I know you'll buy a copy. *laugh*"

"But Fri-Fri, I am so happy for you. It's what you've been really waiting for."

"And I couldn't help but feel the same for you. You're finally in a new adventure as an actress."

"Don't be silly. It's just a try." I just remembered that we're no longer together in a band though we're friends. How are we going to maintain it? "Hey Fri, I am just curious. Since we're no longer together as a band, how can we contact each other?"

"I actually don't know. I am just using the studio's phone, and the office still has your number. Don't worry. I've taken note of it."

"How about yours? Remember when we always tell each other that we're just a call away?" It took long for Frida to answer me.

"I'm sorry Anna. They're calling me back to work. Send my regards to the kids, okay? I miss you and I love you! I'll try to call again sometime." I heard the rush, and I felt that she wouldn't want to answer me at all. I was a bit sad about it, but I knew there's still hope.

"Just say hi to all the people there for me! Bye!"



[Frida's perspective]

I never knew how am I gonna tell Anna without hurting her that I'll be leaving Sweden soon. I had always felt that this time would come. I love her as my best friend and younger sister, but I just cannot stay here and carry on with those memories. It's just too much memories, okay? So I rushed to work for my new album, and to let her focus on her acting. If only I can take her with me...

The records have been polished, and it's another free time. I'll try calling her again. I miss her voice and her laugh too just as she misses mine.


"Hello? Who is this? Are you looking for my mommy?" A young girl answered the phone. It was so sweet of her to answer for her mom. And yes it was Linda, Anna's daughter.

"Hey Linda. It's Frida. May I talk to your mom?"

"Hey Aunt Frida. I miss you so much! Yes. I'll just call my mother. Just wait a moment." And I heard her giggle then called her mom.

"Frida? Goodness! I thought you were someone else. Linda never told me it was you."

"Haha... It's alright. You have a very sweet daughter, Anna. I am beginning to think of my kids again. I wanna visit them as soon as I can."

"That will be nice, and try to visit us some time. But now Fri, don't try to change the subject. I am still trying to figure out how am I gonna contact you. Is there something you wish to tell me? Are you hiding from your own best friend? 'Cause it's not fair that you call me for a friend to talk to, then I won't be able to do so when I need you."

Anna had a point, but should I tell her now? Chill. Better be early than sorry. "Anna, I'm leaving Sweden soon. By the end of the year maybe..."

Her voice became soft and sad, "Really? That's not fair, Fri. I know we're having separate ways, but you can't expect me not to be this clingy after all that we've been through as best sis-friends."

"It's not that. I can still contact you, right? For sure you won't move out of your place, considering that there are a lot of life invaders outside your comfort zone."

"Still Frida, you could have directly told me."

"Anna, I may not have made a promise, but as your best older sister-like friend I will try to make sure that I will still contact you wherever I go."

"I want you to promise Fri. I just want to make things fair. It's my turn to make things difficult for you. Haha!!!"

"Oh this is why I like you. I cannot resist you. I have a feeling that you've been doing that puppy face at the end of this line."

"How did you know?"

"I'm your best friend, and I've watched you do that several times on the phone. But seriously, ... ehem ... I, Frida, promise my best friend Anna that I will be consistently contacting her despite my move to wherever; updating each other with life, and; comforting each other in time of need. I also swear to give her my new number for her to call me when she needs me. There!"

"Very funny Fri, but thanks. I love you Frida."

"I love you too. Take care of yourself and the children, okay?"

"I will. And you take care too. Bye..."


That was close to an argument...a big argument. I am glad that we've both grown up after all these years. We learned to accept each other despite these situations. I love my best friend, and nothing can just separate us. We may be miles apart soon, but we'll just be a call away.

One Call AwayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang