FridNetha 1983

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[Frida's perspective]

It was an ordinary day for people like me. I mean people like normal people. Since we officially broke up in 1982, deals, concerts, promotions bombarded me and Anna. We have been busy for weeks and months now. I wonder how is she. Oh yeah! I forgot to keep my promise. Okay. I'll try to make it up.

...ring ring...

"Hello? This is Anna's assistant. How can I help you? I would like to let you know that she's out for today to record for her new album. May I know who is this?"

That was a first for her not being home on a weekend. Isn't she supposed to be with the kids? "Oh! Is that so? Tell me her best friend called, trying to fulfill the promise made in 1982. Tell her to contact me through this number _________. Thank you and have a great day!"

Dang! I missed my best friend so much. I just wanted to talk to her so badly.

[Anna's perspective]

That was a tiring day. I came home and my assistant told me that a best friend called me. Maybe it's just a crazy fanatic.

"How did she sound like? A very sweet woman? Or a jazz singer? Sorry. I was assuming it was someone I really wanna hear since last year. Or did she said a keyword or phrase?"

"Oh! Yes! She said that she called to fulfill her promise from last year. Here's her number." She handed me the paper. I smiled, thinking that it's the number I've been waiting for. Okay Anna, call her. This might be Fri-Fri.

...ring...ring... *deep breath*
Someone answered it!

"Hello?" That's definitely her.

"Is it me you're looking for?" I sang to her.

"Anna? I mean... Anna!!! I have missed you so much! How are you? Your assistant told me that you have worked earlier today, on a weekend. What have you been up to?"

"I have been working on my new album in English after that film. Hey. I really didn't go to work earlier today. I was with the kids. I told my assistant to lie about that. By the way, the album's already done and released. So those fans are not fans if they're not aware of it."

"They're not stalkers, Anna. Congratulations on your new album." I stopped. I felt proud that Anna never changed. So I continued,  "Still... I am glad to hear that you haven't changed your principles on family after our group's split."

"I've changed, Fri. I became stronger than ever. And..." I paused. I don't know if this is the right time to tell her, but don't wait for another year. "Fri, I am going out with someone else. He's such a nice guy. He protects me. We're way better than all my past relationships."

[Frida's perspective]

What is this? Again? I hope she's not fooling around. "Hey Anna. Are you sure he is the one? How long have you been dating?"

"It was official months ago. *chuckles* *giggles* Don't worry, Fri. I am not taking this as serious as before. If things go wrong, then we're just not meant to be and carry on. It's no longer the fantasy we have lived before."

Is that how much she had grown? I don't think she changed when it comes to romance. I tried to ask her one more thing, "Do the kids know? Do they approve of him? It's something to reconsider. That what I've done when I got married the second time."

"They haven't met him yet. I didn't even allowed the kids to watch tv nor read the entertainment paper."

"Are you serious? You have to let them know or else you'll get hurt in the end. Unless, the kids learned it from school through friends."

"I'll bring him here soon. I just don't think it's the time since the kids are stressing themselves in school. You know...wanna be like daddy smarty-pants."

I laughed. It was really funny though. "That is funny, Anna. Are you still allowing the kids to see daddy smarty-pants?"

"Yes. It won't be fair if I let them stay here forever. By the way, they told me that they've met their half-sister. It was awkward for them, but I am glad they accepted her."

"Woah there! You allowed them? I don't believe you! Haha!!!"

"No, seriously. They told me that they were hoping the little child was mine. I cried after they said that, but they comforted me by saying but what matters most right now is we're together mom. And things just went cool for me. Where are you? I thought you're coming back here."

"I'd rather keep it a secret for now."

"Really? Little baby girl is crying here. Please big sister! Tell me! Tell me! Haha!!!"

"I'm somewhere around Europe."

"That's go generic, Fri. What a riddle!?"

"It's up to you to guess. Haha!!!" I just wanna surprise her of the fact that I'll be visiting her soon.

[Anna's perspective]

Oh Frida. What are you thinking?

"By the way, I forgot to congratulate you for your album's success."

"Thanks Anna. I am looking forward to yours. I am sure it will be better than mine."

That's the humble woman I've know for years. "Don't be silly. Hahaha!!! When will I see you again, really?"

"We'll see. Hey. I have to go. I have to go to a friend's house." She said.

"Okay. Tell me when. And I'm always a call away. Bye Frida, I miss you so much"

Moments later the doorbell rang. My assistant opened it, and she screamed as if there's a criminal out there. She hurriedly went up to my study. She entered, panting, and... "Ma'am! It's your friend. Your friend..."

Okay. Something's not right. I went downstairs, and I saw the kids on the sofa with a woman with short spiky red hair. "Hello? I have a gun. Let go of my kids."

She laughed, and the kids too. She looked back, and... "Hi Anna! Surprise!!! Or surprised?"

It was Frida. Okay.

"So the friend is me all along...and kids. Why didn't I hear you call Aunt Frida?"

"She said to keep this a secret." Linda? Seriously? I approached Frida and hugged her out of longing for a friend.

"I've missed you so much Frida. How long have you been here?"

"Not a long time ago..." We sat on the sofa as she said these words. She was holding then pressing my hands as we continued talking.

To be continued ... special chap: FridNetha Surprises

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