I Just Wanna Tell You ... 1984

422 15 4

[Anna's perspective]

"281, 282, 283, 284..." My goodness!!! What does Frida want? "289...290" Then I heard my doorbell ring, and I continued counting until I opened the door... "300!"

I was stunned. I saw a red-haired woman from last year. Her hair actually grew longer, yet still spiky.

"Frida?" I asked.

"Surprise again!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek afterwards.

"Come in, Fri." I don't know what to tell her. I closed the door as she entered my home. "You never stopped surprising me! What gives?" I asked then we sat on the sofa.

Frida was giving me the look as she raised her eyebrows. It was as if a signal or something. Whatever that may be I cannot remember it.

[Frida's perspective]

I think she really forgot it's our day today. "Do you remember the rings in 83?"

"Yes. How can I forget something I already have?"

"Do you remember when did I give you that?" I saw her eyes widened as if she did remember it.

"Oh my goodness! Happy anniversary to us!!!" She hugged me. "Why didn't I remember that? I'm sorry Fri. I always love you." Then she kissed me again on my cheek.

"It's okay Anna. But it's not just the surprise of the day."


"We're going out today in public!"

She let go. "W-WHAT!? Are you serious Fri? It might destroy us."

"Can we not go out as friends for them? It's not bad for the public to know that our friendship never ended after the group split." I pat her cheek. "But for us, of course, it will be our date."

"Very funny Frida, but the kids also need to know about this."

"About what?" I was a bit confused. Why do they have to know about us?

"Our dinner date later... They just have to know that their mom won't be home for dinner."

What a relief! I thought it had something to do with our relationship status. "Where are they, anyway?"

"Upstairs, playing around...probably reading stuff like Aunt Frida."

Woah! She still recalls me being a bookworm. "Haha! Very funny Anna. Seriously, reading helps."

"I know." Then she asked if she can be excused to prepare for our date. I never mentioned to her that it would not be a dinner nor movie date. Wait for it.

I heard voices from upstairs while waiting in the living room.

"Hey kids, I called the nanny to stay with you tonight."

"Why? Where are you going?" That was Linda.

"I am going out with Aunt Frida tonight."

"Aunt Frida is here!? I wanna see her!!!"

"Me too!!!" I also heard Christian.

Then I heard running sounds from upstairs, and then they were coming down the stairs. When the two reached the ground floor, they called me in unison: "AUNT FRIDA!!!"

I looked at them. Woah! They have grown up so fast. Then they ran to me and gave me hugs. They are as sweet as their mother.

"We've missed you Aunt Frida."

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