Fix This

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It was a sunset at a prairie. 

"And me..."
"And ever..."

A red-haired woman and a blonde woman were facing each other as they exchanged those words. The former smiled at the latter. Their faces were slowly getting near each other for a kiss, until one man cut them.

"Anna?"  The man called the blonde woman. "Are you about to kiss your best friend?" Then he pointed a gun to the redhead.

"I...I..."  Anna was shaking. "I'm sorry. I love her."

"Then I wish both of you to be happy in hell!" He shot the redhead.

"FRIDA! Why her? Kill me! Kill me!"


The last thing she saw were green eyes.

[Anna's perspective]

I woke up in my bedroom. It was just a dream. It was already morning. Frida could be here by now.

I heard the phone ringing. Oh please. Let it be her.

"Good morning. It's Anna." I answered the phone.

"Morning, sweetie." It was a familiar calm and sweet voice.

Who on earth would call me sweetie? "Frida? Have you arrived?"

"I just arrived. I'm just using the airport's payphone for now. I hope I'll be there before lunch. Are you free? I just want to talk to you in person. I miss you."

"Same here. I just wanted to talk to you. I'll be waiting. Bye."

"Bye. Take care." We dropped the phone.

[Frida's perspective]

She didn't sound excited anymore. She sounded sad. I felt the loneliness in her. It was truly my fault. Man! I felt sorry for her.

I wanted to make amends. But what if she breaks up with me?

Should I let go?
But I love her!
Ugh! What am I gonna do? 

If you love her, let her be. It's her happiness that matters. 

"Excuse me ma'am. Are we leaving?" The driver just asked me. 

"Yes. Thank you." 

I was preoccupied. The driver seemed to have felt my aura. "Anything wrong, miss?"

I shook my head, then looked at the window. I was able to see some familiar places. Memories kept on coming back to me. I remembered every single detail of every moment, every detail of her face, her body, and so on. Suddenly, tears were building up. 

I wiped away my tears as we reached the destination. I paid the driver. I wore my glasses then I went down. 

I walked slowly to the door. Was I doing the right thing? 

My heart was beating so fast. I was having second thoughts in ringing the doorbell. 

As I was about to press it, the door was quickly opened by a woman in tears. And she rushed to hug me, I just froze.

"I'm sorry, Frida. I'm really...really...sorry."

I let go then held her face with both hands. "Hey. I should be the one who is sorry." I wiped her tears. Suddenly, I cried. I looked down. "I should be sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way. I'm still your best friend. I still love you, but I guess I have to accept that we can no longer be together." I stopped. I looked at her. "I guess this apology is the only way to fix this. This is farewell. Good..."

"Will you shut up? Are you giving up? I want to fix this." She held my hand. She had a tight grip. "Frida, I thought you came to talk to me. Can we at least try to fix this?"

"We can only do it by breaking up, right? This is why I'm leaving...I..."

"I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!" She shouted. "I had a nightmare that my man killed you and me, because we love each other. I loved him, but I love you more. I died for you like you died for me in that dream. Frida, don't go please."

"Do you know how much I hate being cheated and replaced?" I sat on a bench. "You remind me of what he has done to me. You make me feel...worthless." I broke down.

"I haven't set the limits, right? We can still be together, right?"

"What? It's cheating, Anna. This is no ordinary game. I have to let go, since you let go of me first. I'm setting the limit here, we can only be friends. So I'm leaving." I was about to stand up but she stopped me.

"Sit down, Frida. Falling for him never stopped me from loving you. I want you back."

"But it's already settled between the two of you."

"We can call it off..."

"That's absurd! You cannot play with his feelings Anna. We should stop."

"Frida, do you still love me?"

"I'm about to ask you the same, but I really do."

"I called you before 'cause I feel the same towards you. I haven't let go of us. This is why I want you back. You wouldn't fly back here if you no longer love me, right?"

Anna made a point. I shouldn't have returned if the love was gone. "I'm sorry Anna. I feel so terrible for wrecking this."

"I should be sorry for putting us at this point."

"But seriously, we cannot be the same as..."

She stopped me with a kiss. "No more Fri... we can still be together. He won't know about it. I promise."

"I don't want to hide anymore. I want us to be happy."

"You're my happiness."

"I love you, but I want you to be happy."

"Come with me..." She took my hand and we ran away from the house. She took me to a very private place where only nature is witness.

She began to kiss me passionately, and she was putting her hand inside my clothes.

"Anna please..." I tried to resist, but love overcame. Gosh! I still love her, and she feels the same. It was the same feeling in the past. I was reminded of how we were in 86 in front of our exes.

"Anna, I love you..."

"We can still do this, okay? I know you'll get jealous, but I'll still call you, okay? We're best friends. We're secret lovers."

"Just keep your promise to keep us a secret. And I'll still keep mine to keep calling you. I just love you." I kissed her.

"I love you Frida. I'm sorry."

We stayed there til sunset, but her dream never came true.

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