Reunited '86

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"Friiii!!!" Anna quickly went to Frida as they saw each other in the studio. She gave Frida a hug and said, "Look at your hair!"

"I know! Look at yours! I thought it won't be as short as mine before." Frida laughed after.

"But you inspired me... I've missed you so much, darling."

[Frida's perspective]

Then Anna kissed me. The legit passionate kiss.

I broke the kiss. "They might see us."

"Who cares now?" Anna replied quickly, and she kissed me again. "I have been longing for you since that phonecall."

I hugged her again, but it was tighter. "Me too. I just wanna see you so badly. I missed this" I kissed her forehead.

"And this..." I kissed her nose.

"Lastly, this." I kissed her lips.

"Oh Frida!" She moaned as I went lower to her neck. She did the same thing to me, but the moment was ruined when we heard some steps outside the door.

[Anna's perspective]

I broke the kiss, but Frida still had her arms around me. We were staring at each other. But I've noticed her eyes were puffy. "Is there something wrong?" I asked her.

She hugged me tighter this time. "A friend of mine just died days ago, and I haven't gotten over it." She was shaking.

I whispered to her ear, "There...there... I am here." Then I kissed her again on her cheek. "Please don't cry."

"Should I cry in front of the woman who makes me happy? Thank you." She began to smile.

[Frida's perspective]

It was actually a harsh moment to know about a friend's death. It was unexpected. It was heartbreaking. But I was glad to see Anna after all that happened.

Since I haven't let go of her, I tried to be near her face again. We were simply an inch away for another lovely moment. But we heard the door open...

"Hey there ladies!"

"Long time no see..."

Anna and I were in sync as we looked at the door. We saw two men from our past, and we both realized that we had to let go of each other.

"Hey Björn...and Benny." I greeted them both. It was awkward though.

"Hello!" Anna smiled and greeted them. It was as if nothing happened.

We tried to keep things look normal so far.

"I guess you missed each other too much that you are that close." Björn said.

Anna blushed while I just grinned at them. "Well," I looked at Anna then to the men, "Yeah. We just missed each other so much. How long has it been like two years? Unlike us, we met like some time ago."

"It's still weird though. They look like they're about to kiss. Like what they did during the 70s." Benny shared his doubt.

"Haha!!! Fri and I are together." Anna jokingly revealed it. I hope they don't buy it.

"Very funny Anna and Frida, you two really stage a good prank. Hey! We better practice though." Björn said.

It was a relief. If there would be two people who must not know our little secret, that would be these men.

We practiced for a short time only. We were actually able to get the parts right.

[Anna's perspective]

The production team came, and we began shooting. I was holding the folder containing the lyrics, and Fri was peeking on my folder. Fri and I were becoming closer on set while singing while the men played their toys, I mean instruments.

After that shoot, we went back to our respective seats. "I'm leaving in an hour, okay?" Frida whispered to me.

"Really? I wish we could have like...a date after this." I whispered back.

"What are you ladies talking about?" Benny asked.

"I just told Anna that I will be leaving in an hour." Frida replied. "I have a friend who just died, so yeah..."

So we spent the remaining minutes talking about life. We learned that the men were truly into writing for musicals. I told them that I will be having a break after recording this album. Frida just told everyone that she will be officially on break.

Afterwards, as the final second reached, Fri bade farewell to us. She went out of the door. And I followed her.

"Fri..." I ran to her and hugged her from behind. "Don't go. I really need you."

She looked at me. She touched my face, and wiped my tears. "You are always here." Then she took my hand, and put it on her chest. "You will always be here in my heart. You are precious to me, baby girl. I really am sorry that I have to leave."

She put my head near to her, and I felt tears coming from her eyes. "Why did you wet my hair, Frida?" I jokingly asked, though there were tears. I looked up at her. "Sorry. I love you. Take care of yourself, okay."

"I'm just a call away, Anna. Don't you ever forget that. I love you too." She kissed me on the head. "Goodbye, Anna."

She let go of me, and continued to walk away. I walked the opposite way to the studio. I opened the door to meet the men, and I heard Frida. "Wait!" She ran back.

I forgot to close the door 'cause it was a quick moment. And I froze. She kissed me. I felt the passion that love. "Bye Anna." Then Frida noticed the door was opened, and the men were staring at us. She gave a grin and waved her hand farewell.

I waved my hand goodbye to her as well.

[I couldn't help but smile until I went inside the car. It was a relief after that grief. -Frida]

After entering the room, I sat on a chair.

"Hey! You're as red as a tomato. The last time I saw you like that was when I kissed you." Björn said as Benny laughed.

"I knew it!" Benny added.

"Shut up you two." I smiled back.

Anyway, I was glad that I was with Frida despite the short time. I was able to see her again. We were able to ease each other's pain in a way. Til next time. :)

[Can we rewind? I loved that moment. Hahaha!!! -Frida]

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