Chapter 1

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Scott POV

"Scott!" "Scott!" "Scott!"

Flashes of light blinded me as I stepped out of my car.

Briskly, I walked down the sidewalk and tried to cross to my building, only to be blocked off by hordes of paparazzi.

I sighed. I remembered when I used to be happy.

Being a rich and famous CEO used to make me happy. Being married to a model used to make me smile.

But not anymore.

I was tired of being held in a certain light all the time, everyone thinking I was perfect.

I was tired of this heavy weight on my shoulders dragging me down, reminding me I had to appear a certain way.

Most of all, I was so tired of being lonely and lying to myself about it.

I was hardly ever alone, but I was hardly ever in company, if that made sense.

And now more than ever, dreams of my past came to haunt me when I was in bed. Bad decisions and people I'd hurt.

The sad thing was, I could no longer even remember why I hurt the boy I loved to come to LA. It sure as hell wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

I remembered the time an interviewer asked what the biggest sacrifice I made for my job was.

I said love.

My now ex-wife thought I was talking about her.

I wasn't.

She found the letters and left the next morning.

She didn't accept me, and I knew almost no one would.

So, understandably, I was not too happy when my manager chided me to smile for the cameras.

I was not too happy that some damn reporter had to bring up my past as I walked by.

And I was mad when some paparazzi camera guy got too close to me.

So, you have to understand, it wasn't my fault I punched the guy. Wasn't my fault.

I'm Sorry (Sequel to "No Feeling")Where stories live. Discover now