Chapter 12

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Marleah POV

Not even caring how ridiculous I probably looked sprinting to Mitch's room, I ran as fast as my humorously short legs could take me.

I was ashamedly out of breath when I opened the door, peeking in.

It was bright, the florescent lights on and I heard TMZ blaring on the TV.

I pushed the door open farther and walked in.

"Mitch?" I called, rounding the corner to view the boy.

My best friend was sprawled out on the bed, a sick pallor in his skin.

I gasped, running to his bed.

Taking his cheeks in my hands, I turned his face toward mine, a gesture that occurred whenever I even suspected he was sick.

His eyes widened. Evidently, he hadn't heard me enter.

"Mar! Thank god, what happened? Nobody will tell me what happened!" I sensed Mitch getting hysterical and I grasped his hand gently.

"Uh-" I cleared my throat, voice breaking. "Mitchie, it-" I stopped as a tear fell down my cheek.

I almost burst into a sobbing fit when Mitch caught it on his finger, wiping it away, and looked up at me expectantly.

"It-" I breathed deeply. "It happened again."

His hand dropped, his other one slackened in mine. His eyes widened and filled with tears. My heart constricted awfully.

"No, no, no, honey, it's okay, I swear. You remember me and Kevin, right?"  He nodded. "And Mike and your mom?" Another nod. "Good. That's all that matters, right?"

"Mar?" He asked weakly.

"Yeah?" I asked earnestly. He probably had about a million questions.

"I-" He stopped, confused.

"What is it?" His eyebrows remained furrowed and he shook his head slowly. "Do you- do you remember someone?" I asked, praying to whatever deity was listening that the one person he forgot was the creepy hotel dude.

"There was another person there." Could he be talking about Scott? Scott. I had brought the man who broke Mitch's heart back into his life. "His name was Scott... right?"

"Um, yeah. Yeah." I said. "Do you remember when you met him?"

"Yeah, uh, yesterday, right?" I breathed an imaginary sigh of relief.

"Yes, yes, that's right, Mitchie." I was relieved.

 I felt guilty to lie to Mitch, but the amount of emotional damage Scott left to Mitch, it made me scared.

Plus, I didn't even know if he'd changed. What if he hadn't? He'd just hurt Mitch again. He'd already knocked out a sturdy guy like Kevin, what could he do to Mitch? I wouldn't let it happen.

"I think he called the ambulance, right?" I nodded.

"Yes, he did, Mitch," I wasn't down to defame other people.

"Oh," his features were neutral for a minute, before he looked back up at me. "Can you just say thank you to him, from me?"

I nodded, contemplating what decision I was about to make. "Um, do you want to thank him yourself?" Mitch looked confused, not understanding what I meant. "He's here, right outside."

I'm Sorry (Sequel to &quot;No Feeling&quot;)Where stories live. Discover now