Chapter 5

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Scott's POV

"Mitch, this is Scott. Scott Hoying." My eyes burned as I realized Mitch had to be introduced to me again. I remembered the time when he knew my name when I didn't even know he existed.

"Um," I cleared my throat, trying to greet him, but it broke. "M-Mitch..." His eyes widened before dulling again. The girl had just introduced us, so my knowledge of his name did little to impress him.

I went to say something else, anything to prove who I was, but-

"-So, you're the infamous Scott Hoying who punched one of my best friends and landed him in the hospital. Well, I have to say it would have been much better meeting under different circumstances and we are completely honored that you took the time to find out Mitch's name but that in no way excuses you from the current actions you have committed."

I gaped at the small girl. Under different circumstances, I would have found the large speech bubble pluming from her head rather comical, but not right now.

"Do I make myself clear, Mr. Hoying?" I looked at her again, trying to see if she was serious. I couldn't tell. My heart fluttered, though, when I heard Mitch giggle at his friend's antics.

I carefully nodded and looked back to Mitch, drinking in the sight of him. Through my glances, I tried desperately to communicate our history, the knowledge of who I was, but his expression was blank.

"I-I'm sorry. Have we met before?" He stammered quietly, perhaps concerned by my intense gaze. I felt my heart give a shudder. His voice was even more beautiful now, if that was possible.

I nodded slowly in answer before stuttering, "Y-You really have no idea who I am?" I was on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, you're Scott Hoying..." He said in an obvious tone, but I knew, besides knowing my name, he did not remember the times we had shared.

I just mustered a downcast glance before shaking my head at him. Looking past him, I made eye contact with Kevin, who was taking in the exchange between Mitch and me.

"I'm really sorry, Kevin." I apologized sincerely. I glanced at Mitch who looked at me in forgiveness, but it was clouded over by some thought in his mind.

Kevin, however, nodded, smiling.

I turned my head back to the girl. "I take your statement to heart, Marleah." If I was to get close to Mitch, I would need to get close to the people close to him as well.

"That is Miss Freed to you, sir." She replied snappily. I nodded quickly, trying not to antagonize the scary girl.

Finally, I made heart-wrenching eye-contact with Mitch once again.

"I'll see you around, Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi," I managed to force out before backing out of the room and closing the door quickly behind me.

As I walked back down the hallway the way I had come, I felt tears beginning to emerge.

Quickly, I darted out of the hospital, purposely avoiding Ben, who would no doubt interrogate me further if he saw me.

Climbing inside my car, I slammed the door and shifted from "park" to "drive," taking off into the streets of busy L.A.

Speeding off the freeway, and down a few side roads, I arrived in my safe haven just as the tears began to spill.

My body racked with sobs and I banged the steering wheel as memories came flooding back.

Of me telling Mitch we could only meet if he wore a disguise.

Of me ignoring Mitch when he sent me an eager glance in the hallway at school.

Of me laughing as one of my friends knocked Mitch's books out of his hands and stepping on them.

Of me leaving to go to L.A without telling the boy I loved good bye.

Of adding insult to injury by bringing a girl with me, a girl who I frankly did not ever love.

Of leaving Mitch behind, of telling him to grow up.

But most of all, the final words of his last letter. "You will forever have my love..."

I felt a wave of fury and kicked open the door of my car, running to the side of the small river.

Finding any stone I could, I took it and flung it into the creek. I did it again and again and again until my arm hurt worse than when I broke it taking a tackle from 205 lb. Pat Hills.

Sinking down on the bank of the creek, I buried my head in my knees and sobbed. I knew, deep down, this whole situation was my fault, a situation of my own design, but it was so much easier to blame it on someone else.

But I couldn't.

Not anymore.

This was my fault. It was my fault Kevin was in the hospital. My fault my first music opportunity would probably be my last. It was my fault the sweet, selfless boy that loved singing didn't remember me.

I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure who I could talk to. Nobody actually.

Ben and I, we very good friends, but I wouldn't tell him about something like this. I would've told my friend Avi, but he was on tour on the East Coast with a band called Home Free.

Sighing, I trudged back to my car and slumped in. I felt drained, both emotionally and physically, but it was like I'd released a pent-up energy that was building all day.

I heard my phone ring and I rolled my eyes. Ben couldn't go an hour without constantly knowing my location.

Sliding the answer icon, I said "What?" exasperatedly.

On the other end, I heard a slightly peeved voice, "Um, this is Scott Hoying, isn't it?"

I gasped and my eyes widened and I quickly nodded, before facepalming. You couldn't see nodding over the phone.

"Um, yes. Sorry, I'm really sorry. Hi, Mitch. I- um, I didn't look at the Caller ID, I'm so sorry," I rambled desperately.

My heart melted as I heard that familiar laugh. "No, no, it's all right. I'm calling from my phone, so it wouldn't have showed up anyway. Marleah actually told me to call."

This stung a little. He didn't call of his own free will, but what did I expect?

I sighed internally, remembering the days I'd get angry when Mitch called me. Now I'd do anything for this call to be social.

"Oh?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.

"Yeah, it was about our collab." My heart swelled. He still wanted to do it? "She wanted to know if 9 am tomorrow is fine. She wanted you and me to get to know each other a little bit first, grab some breakfast."

I felt myself hyperventilate. Breakfast? Alone? With Mitch?

"Yes!" I yelled a little too excitedly. "I mean, er, yes, yeah that's fine. 9 sounds great."

I heard a small exhale. Mitch did that whenever he found something odd. I mentally smacked myself.

"Oh. Okay, well yeah. Great! Um, we can have breakfast at my hotel. I'm staying at the London West Hollywood? I can meet you in the lobby."

"Yeah, that sounds great! I'll see you then!" I said, not refraining my eagerness.

"Um, yeah. Okay, bye." He disconnected the call.

It seemed abrupt. He always ended his calls with "I miss you" or "sweet dreams" or something like that, but now, it was a "bye."

I had to remind myself he didn't remember me.

But, that was all okay now. I'd see him tomorrow. Tomorrow at 9.

I'm Sorry (Sequel to "No Feeling")Where stories live. Discover now