Chapter 4

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Mitch POV

I glanced over at Mar, who was sinking down further into her car seat.

I sighed. "Relax, okay? He's knocked out, not brain-dead. Besides, his initials are K.O. Something like this was bound to happen."

This made her smile. She giggled. "Okay, Mr. Pitiless. But, when we get there, I'm telling him you weren't even a little worried."

I shrugged. "Whatever lies float your boat."

She laughed, shrugging.

"God, I'm just so mad at the guy who did this. I know for a fact, Kevin would never provoke anyone."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. What did you say his name was?"

"Oh," she frowned in surprise. "I don't think I did. His name is Scott Hoying, CEO of a new, hip start-up company that's making millions. Apparently, he's multi-talented. Besides managing and business, he sings. And punches innocent guys."

I shook my head in amusement, trying my hardest to focus on the road. "Sounds familiar."

It did sound familiar. I was almost sure I'd heard that name before, back in high school, I think. But I had no recollection of knowing him or what he looked like. It was like when you read over your notes quickly for a test but you don't pay attention, but in the test you know you know it, but can't remember it.

She shrugged. "He's been all over the news since about a year before we moved out here. You've probably heard about him in our Senior year or something." I smiled, the itch in my mind put to rest. Mar always knew just how to get me to relax.

"Um, turn here," she directed, glancing at her phone. "Oh crap, I'm getting a call from Ben, Scott's manager."

"Well, answer it! I'll be fine getting to the hospital." She nodded, putting the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" I stifled a laugh at how her voice suddenly became very professional. Speech and debate winner all 4 years of high school proved she was an eloquent being.

"Yes, this is she... Oh! Hi, Ben. Listen, we're on our way... No, no, no, Mitch is definitely still willing to do the collab."  At this I  turned to stare at her like a kid whose mom kept saying things like 'groovy.'

She gestured wildly for me to keep my eyes on the road, which I complied to.

"Yes, of course. We are more than willing to put this behind us, assuming that Kevin isn't hurt too badly, and Scott apologizes in person... No, actually, you should want him to apologize. That's good press for you and us..." A resigned reply followed.

My mouth twitched as I hid a smile. Mar was pushy and bossy, but she was very persuasive and often had amazing points. Hence, why she was my manager.

Finally, I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. As Mar wrapped up her conversation, I grabbed flowers and a framed picture of Beyonce, Kevin's cello.

We dashed into the hospital and almost collided with a short, dirty blond man with a small beard.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, sir, I just-"

"-Mitchell Grassi..." the man interrupted and said slowly before breaking out in a grin.

I facepalmed in realization. "Ben Bram! Oh my gosh, it's such a pleasure!" We shook hands enthusiastically.

"Oh please, the pleasure is mine. And it's Ben. I just wish we could have met under normal circumstances. However, with Scott, there is no normal," he said, rolling his eyes.

I'm Sorry (Sequel to "No Feeling")Where stories live. Discover now