Chapter 7

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Scott POV

I sighed nervously, tapping my foot.

A little girl glared at me, annoyed.

I smiled sheepishly and stopped immediately.

The glare reminded me of ones I'd give Mitch if he got too excited or too close to me in public. Now, I looked to a man and woman showing enough PDA to make me gag, but I felt nothing but longing.

Restless, I checked my phone again, 9:10. Where was Mitch?

He never used to be late. He'd show up an hour early sometimes, because he was so eager to see me.

Looking around, as I'd done 10 times since arriving, I was impressed with the rich, classy, modern but classic atmosphere that surrounded the lobby. It matched Mitch's personality well, and I could imagine why he liked this hotel.

Pulling out my phone again, I checked through some of my missed texts and calls, all from Ben.

Where are you?

Scott, I know you're mad, but you need to call me.

Are you mad?

If you're hungover again, I can pick you up. Just text me back.

4 missed calls.

I listened to the voicemail. "Scott? Listen, if you're in trouble, I can help, okay? I just need to know where you are. If not, remember, you have breakfast with Mitch Grassi today. Please, we cannot afford to mess this one up, okay? Just... Just, call me. If not now, at least today. I'm worried."

I sighed exasperatedly, rubbing my forehead. Ben was my manager and my best friend, and I was so grateful for his worry, but he was very sensitive and didn't understand that sometimes, I was an adult. And, when I felt like being an adult, that did not include him knowing my whereabouts 24/7.

I was just about to call him, when I heard a rumble of excitement run through the lobby.

People began pulling out cameras and microphones and I realized that they were paparazzi.

I groaned, thinking they had found me. I'd managed to give them the slip earlier today when I left my condo.

I stood up, getting ready to face the cameras when I realized none of them were pointed to me.

Everyone's attention was elsewhere, directed at someone entering the hotel now.

Curious now, I started walking towards the front entrance, where everyone was crowded around.

Standing on my toes, I looked over everyone's heads in time to see a small figure enter the hotel.

They held a cup in their hands and smiled at the cameras flashing in their face.

I knew that if it had been me, I would've been much less accepting of the attention.

Craning my neck, I was able to make out a small fraction of purple hair.

Mitch. These people were fighting over spots to see Mitch.

My eyes widened in realization that the small-town boy I'd known, had grown up into someone bigger than me.

I bit back feelings and swallowed them down.

I remembered one of my last letters to him, telling him to grow up.

He had now.

Stepping away from the crowd, I went and stood by the elevators, waiting for him to make his way to me.

I waited for minutes that seemed like hours, listening to the shouting and clicking of cameras.

I sighed, resting my cheek against the cool surface of the elevator door frame.

Suddenly, I felt a warm, gentle tap on my shoulder.

"Um, excuse me. You're blocking the elevator," the sweet, high-pitched voice stated sassily.

I turned, immediately recognizing the voice.

Mitch stood before me, mouth agape. He slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. There are these really annoying guys that hang around every day who think they're entitled to do whatever whenever, and I thought you were-"

"It's okay. It's okay, I promise. Sorry, I should've called Marleah. The thought didn't cross my mind."

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm really sorry I'm late. I wanted to grab Starbucks, but they're everywhere. I got held up getting out and back in."

I chuckled at the remembrance of how much he always loved Starbucks.

"But, don't they have back-door entrances? You know, for celebrities?" I asked, surprised. Most hotels in L.A. did. Especially high-end ones like this.

He nodded, "Of course, but I'm not a celebrity," he blushed, shaking his head.

I raised an eyebrow. "No? Then, the paparazzi what? Just, decided you were cute and wanted your picture?"

I mentally slapped a hand over my mouth for than embarrassing statement.

He shrugged, muttering. I vaguely heard something that sounded like "confusing intentions."

My heart raced a little. Did he remember me then? Did he realize he knew me and that I still loved him? Did he know that I was here to be his friend, and maybe more?

"Are you okay, um, Scott?" That snapped me out of it. He barely remembered my name for a second.

I shook my head, clearing it of other thoughts.

"Er yeah, sorry. Fine."

He smiled, and I felt my heart melt just a little.

"Oh!" He exclaimed excitedly. "I know. You must be hungry."

I shrugged, nodding.

He looked around the room, frowning at all the people milling around, casting curious glances at us.

"I don't think we can eat down here, you know?"

I followed his gaze to people snapping pictures in a corner of the lobby. I nodded worriedly.

"Come on up to my room. 914. Top floor. I'll take the stairs and meet you there."

He headed away from me, but I stopped him.

"Wait!" Mitch turned to me.

"Yeah?" He asked me.

"Let- Let me take the stairs. That's a lot of walking, and uh- my legs are longer."

He looked taken aback, eyes widened.

"Oh. Oh, uh, yeah. Um, thanks. Yeah, thanks, Scott!" He stuttered, surprised.

I smiled at him, before heading through the door that lead to the staircase. Only 9 flights ahead of me.

Oh well. At least I proved to Mitch that chivalry wasn't dead.

Even if I couldn't make him remember me, maybe I could win him back over. I'd try either way, though.

I just needed Mitch back.

I'm Sorry (Sequel to "No Feeling")Where stories live. Discover now