Chapter 2

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Mitch POV

I stepped out of my car and was immediately blinded by the flashing lights. 

My manager, Marleah, (also my BFF) groaned in annoyance.

"Who even told them we were rehearsing today?" She griped, running around to my side of the car.

She linked her arm with mine and we slid on our sunglasses.

"Oh my god, there are so many of them today!" I said, surprised.

"Yeah, weird." Mar answered. "Hey, pretty boy," I turned to her. "Smile, please."

I laughed at her reminder, knowing that I was always the one to smile, unlike her.

"Okay, come on," she said, pulling me through.

There were calls of "Mitch!" "Marleah!" "Mitch!" as we bulldozed through the paparazzi.

Now and then, we flashed the occasional smile and wave, trying desperately to get through to the building.

Finally, Mar managed to slip through the last few reporters and flashed a key card in front of the door.

She pulled me through, out of the mob of people now swarming the door, yelling and grabbing even more desperately.

Quickly, she shut the door and I hit a button that darkened the shade on the windows.

"If they didn't get paid so much, I would be appalled at their behavior," Mar said. 

I shook my head, laughing. "Okay, isn't Kevin one of those people, though?" 

She shrugged. "Kevin's our friend. And he's classy about his reporting. He doesn't clamor and pine for a glimpse of celebrities like the others do."

"Okay, if you say so. I just don't think its fair to group them all together."

"Yeah, you're right," she conceded. This was the extent of any arguments we ever had, two different opinions and an acknowledgement.

"I know I am," she scoffed humorously. I laughed, sitting down on the couch. She sat down next to me.

"So, what's the plan for now?" I asked. We were supposed to be having a publicity meeting with Kevin right now. 

"Well, it's 3:45. He was supposed to be here before us, at 3:00. I don't know where he is. But, the plan was, we were going to contact Ben Braum, he's a manager for some of the biggest celebrities out there. We were going to set you up with one of the hottest up-and-coming stars this year."

My eyes widened.

"B-Ben Braum? Oh my god!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah, the weird thing is, Kevin was supposed to meet him today, and the star too, but he hasn't called me yet," she sounded puzzled, staring at her phone.

"Should we be worried?" I asked, concern creeping into my voice. Kevin was a careful person. Injury did not usually come to him easily.

"I don't- Hold on!" She exclaimed, as her phone started ringing. "It's Kev!"

"Well, answer it!" I said.

She slid her finger across the screen to answer it and put it to her ear.

"Kev?" She asked. She sounded relieved.

I heard a female voice on the other side. Mar looked pale, for her dark brown complexion, her face had blanched.

I looked at her, mouthing "What's wrong?" 

She held a finger up, telling me to hang on.

I nodded, looking down into my lap.

I heard her burst out, "Oh my god!" 

This caused me to look up in concern again.

"O-okay, th-thanks. We'll be right there." Mar looked visibly shaken as she looked up.

"What's the matter? Who was that?" I asked hurriedly.

She just stared at me in shock.

"Kevin- He's... He's in the hospital. He's unconscious... Someone knocked him out."She collapsed on to the couch beside me, burying her face into my shoulder.

I wrapped an arm around her, trying to comfort her, but I was at a loss as well.

Who could've done something like this to someone as sweet and innocent as Kevin?

I'm Sorry (Sequel to "No Feeling")Where stories live. Discover now