Part Nine

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Annastacia awake in shocked, her head was spinning with her sudden movement. Her eyes blinking several times to adjust the lack of light around her. The room is glittering of the candlelight that makes it seems darker than the lamplight.
She looks at her watch instantaneously and seeing it was pointing right at three o'clock.
She looked at herself and realize she's still wearing the same white gown that she was wearing this evening.

Where was she?

She looks around and she could see the spacious bedroom decorated by red roses and several lightened up candles - with a luxurious white couch at the other side.

Wait - there was someone on it.

She stood up quickly, holding her aches head with her hand. The wines were really had stronger alcohol content than she thought - well, she had told that before didn't she?
Cursing herself for her own foolishness, slowly she managed to walk to the couch.
And immediately her eyes widen in surprised.
The Crown Prince of Dres Van was laying on the couch, sounds asleep.

"God, what I've done?" She whispered desperately, the memories from what happened this night immediately flowing on her head and she sighed, "I'm so stupid."
She's sitting down on the carpeted floor and watching the sleeping Prince in front of her.

He even looks so handsome in his sleep - and without any single sound came out from his, she wonders if he even obeyed the rules when he's sleeping.

She giggles softly, looking admiringly at him, refrained herself from doing another stupid thing, maybe like - running her fingers through his softly dark hair.
She remembers their dance this night, honestly she never imagined she could find a great dance leader like him.
Well - she admitted he was so cruel and cold earlier. But this evening, even she made an improper manner and ignoring all what he said earlier - he still helped her to the bed.
The more she knows him, the more she feels her heart aches - and the more harder for her to pretend to not admiring him.
Now she even could clearly seen a kind of heart he has.
Smiling, she sighed and whispered softly, "Thank you so much, Joshua." And with that she turned back to the bed.

The morning sunlight and chirping birds waken up Joshua from his sleep. Sitting on the couch he running his fingers through his messy hair.
It was unusual for him drove asleep so fast - he never had a deep sleep like last night - especially when he was sleeping on a couch.
Actually Joshua never had a quality sleep lately - especially after the war had started.
He glanced at his table-clock beside him, the needles pointed at six pass thirty.

Unsteadily, he went to the bathroom, intended changed his clothes to his sport suit for do his morning jogs.
Well - he always did his jogs even he had a less sleep. Entered the luxurious bathroom, he washed his face and brushed his teeth. He was in the middle of changed his clothes - when he realized there's a sound from the bathtub.

What was that sound?

He narrowed her eyes slightly, tries to recognize the sound.
After a moment he realized there's humming voice - precisely - someone's humming a song in the bathtub.
Without a second thought, he opened the curtains to the bathroom, nonchalantly.
Immediately - His eyes widen seeing a girl was bathing on it, her eyes were closed and her naked body only covered by frothy-soap-bubbles that also fulfilled the whole bathtub.

He froze at his ground.
He couldn't move or speak - he just standing there in shocked - when the girl suddenly turned to him - realizing his presence.

They both stares each other and froze for a moment.

Annastacia's eyes widen and her cheeks turned into a deep rose in a second, "You-"
"You-" Finally, Joshua could managed his best response.

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