Part Twelve

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Annastacia admiring the guy in front of her in silent. Even now his beautiful amethyst eyes were protected by a dark sunglass and his rare dark wisterian hair covered by a black hat, Joshua Lieben still emitts a strong aura around him - and the Prince in front of her obviously doesn't even know how charming he really is.

Deep in her thought, suddenly the Prince turned to face her and said, "What are you gawking at?"
"I-I'm not!!" Embarrassed, she walks quickly - trying so hard to catches up his long legs.

"Well, is this Burger Stall- healthy?" He asked, obviously never tasted any junk-food in his entire life.
Annastacia chuckles, "It's not entirely healthy, its contented a lot of cheese and mayonnaise - honestly it will make you fat."
Joshua frowned slightly, "If its not a healthy food, why did you eat that thing?"
Annastacia smiles brightly and said determinedly, "Because its delicious, Your Highness - and all commoners like it!"

The stall was far from spacious place, but Annastacia glad, its have a lot of variation Burgers on the menu.
Without hesitated she ordered two bacon-double cheese Burgers with an alighted face.
Joshua examined the chef when he started to grill the bacon with a curious expression. He looked like a toddler who's discovering something for the first time. Annastacia looking at him in silence.

Sometimes this guy could really - cute.

Only by seeing his innocence handsome face, she even forgot how he was so annoying on the Airplane before.

Bringing their Burger's bag, they walked to the nearly Park that decorated by crimson-orange leafed trees. The park has some benches and several of them were filled with a happy couples.

"There!" Annastacia pointed the near empty bench enthusiastically, "We could sit there!"
Joshua eyes narrowed and he looks back and forth suspiciously.
The Princess already sat down and happily open up their Burger's bag, but she stopped immediately seeing the stiffen Prince who's stood in front of her, "What is it?"
His eyebrows furrowed and he said fiercely, "How could you eat in the place like this? This isn't even a proper place to eat!"
Annastacia smiled and said determinedly, "Well- If you want to try a commoner's food, then you should try to eat it in their place."

Hesitated, Joshua sits down beside her. Grinning broadly, she took the Burger from the bag and gave it to him - who's immediately looking at his Burger like seeing another wierd creature.
He turned to face her, his eyes wide, clearly confused, "Where're the knife and fork? Wait- this even doesn't have a plate?!"

But before he could protest any further, he saw the girl beside him already opened the Burger's wrap and bites the bread, "Woah- this is really good!!" She's chewing it happily, "You should try it!"

Mimicking Annastacia's movement, he opens the wrap and takes a little bite hesitantly. His eyes widen when the taste of the bread and bacon fulfilled his mouth immediately, with the cheese and mayonnaise melted perfectly - and he smiles with amusement. "This is - really not bad."

Annastacia who was looking at him worriedly, now grinning mischievously, "Ha! I've told you." She took another bites and smiles sweetly. Her cheeks hued and she could feel her heartbeat started beating even faster by seeing the Prince's child-like reaction.

She doesn't know why but suddenly her heart full of happiness and she said quietly, "You know, if we sit like this, we just looked like those common couple, didn't we?"
Joshua looking at her in silence, without a single words. But soon his lips curled up slowly - into a smile.
The trees around them full with crimson-orange color, the weather clearly cold but Annastacia felt her heart was so warm with his smile.

"I'll go to buy drinks." Joshua stood up and with his usual composed face he commanded, "Wait here."

Annastacia nods and smiles brightly. Since she was the one and only dearest Princess of Nervan, no man bold enough entered her life. Never in her life she had a relationship with her opposite gender - except with her own brother, Leonardo.

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