Part Thirteen

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This is really bad!

They would caught by those paparazzi!
He was walking on the street with the Nervanesse Princess all alone - only for eating that stupid burger.
It was so funny - How could he did something so careless like this?

Well- actually "this day" was not that bad. Joshua Lieben was always lonely in his gilded prison of the greatest Dres Van Manor.
Even in his wildest dream, he was never thinking even a bit about walking along the city street all alone.
Breathing the freedom air around him, walking as far as his feet could lead to and seeing his people - the commoner - strange habits without any interruption - that really was a new experience for him.

How they know about them this fast?

And the worst thing is they're now started walking crossed the alleyway.
Maybe intended to crossed over the main street more efficiently.

The only thing on Joshua mind was to avoid the scandal or falsehood reports about him and his wife.
His intellectual brain comprehend the situation immediately and with the paparazzi comes over them, the best thing he could do was pretending like an usual lovely couple would do.

"W-What we should do?" He heard the girl whispered breathlessly. Sounds perplexed. Joshua looking at her with a narrow eyes - he already knew what he must to do, after all he always determined - and suddenly he put his glasses on and said quietly, "I hope you won't have any objections about this."

Annastacia's eyebrows raised slightly. He could see a confusion spreading on her beautiful face in a second, "What?" But before she realized what does he mean by that, he pushed her abruptly until her back slammed against the alley's wall and presses his lips towards her - Kissing her forcefully.
She gasped, her eyes wide open in shocked, but he could feel her mouth melted with his strong warm kiss. Her lips were like soft feather against him, prompted by the desire to take things slowly.

Her lips tasted like - heaven.
So sweet in surrenderness.

Out of control, the insanity took over his glorious mind - wrecking his flawless intellectual brain in pieces.
Joshua relished in the impeccable curve of her mouth, the faint - ethereal breath she puffed out. She closed her eyes tightly and whimpers enchantingly. He could feel her tremble beneath his hold, and with the wish to unseen, he embraced her in one arm - held her close with his another hand rested against the wall, sheltered his and her face. Her arms dropped to her side, flaccidly as a lifeless doll.

A bunch of paparazzi walked through them in silent - without even single interruption.

After he was sure they had left, he releases his embrace and slowly withdraw his kiss from her lips.
Joshua lips curled up slightly, full of proud. Well - all he had planned were succeed perfectly. When suddenly-


The air around them went silent at once. The time seems frozen immediately with the one and the only sound that could heard was a crisped from the tree leafs around them.

Joshua blinked, not yet considered what just happened, not until he felt a pain across his cheek.

He looked down at the Princess and shouted angrily, "What the hell was that for?!"

The Princess chest huffed, the rosy color spread on her cheeks and her eyes were burned on fire, "And what the hell do you think you've done?!"

Joshua eyes widen and he looked at her nonchalantly, "That was only a kiss! Why were you upsetting so much?"

The Princess bites her lower lips, her eyes blended with anger and sad. Joshua's brows furrowed deeply and he said fiercely, "I did that to protect us from those paparazzi, or you prefer surrounded by them and told them about how you want to eat that silly Burger?!"

Annastacia shouted suddenly, "But that was my first kiss!!"

Joshua's eyes widen in surprise with her blunt statement, instantly fell silent. His brain shattered - he felt like all his words was stolen from him. Too taken aback with an inscrutable reality.
But, after several silence moments - he said skeptically, "You- never been kissed?" Her cheeks flushed and she looked down to her feet immediately, obviously embarrassed with her own words.

But, in second she looked at him with her red face and said, "I'm not like you! I never kissed a man promiscuously!" Her bright hazel eyes now looks - unharmed, "Well- now you know that." With that she turned around quickly and began walking as fast as she could.

Joshua giggles softly, even she had slapped him but a little part of him quite amused with the Princess purity. He already promised Leonardo to not touch her, he knew that - but, what happened earlier was unexpected and honestly with her beautiful confused face, he couldn't stop himself to not kissing her.

With that he chased her quickly - it was needn't any effort for him to chase the Princess. With his long legs and everyday jogs, Joshua already grabbed her hand effortlessly, "Anna, wait-"

"Unhand me." Annastacia's muttering under her puffing breath, brushed her hand harshly - but with his twice or threefold muscle masses more than her, his grip didn't bulge even a bit.
Joshua sighed, he pulled her hand slightly, "Listen to me."
But the girl only looked at the ground and said, "Get lost."
He pulled her, strong enough until make her turned around to face him, "I'm sorry!"

Annastacia looked at him immediately with her wide hazel eyes. Clearly surprised, "What did you say?"
Joshua Lieben never been apologized, and he wouldn't - he always flawlessly right, he always life in perfection.
But, in this case he doesn't even know why he could apologizing this easily.

The Princess folded her arms on her chest and said excitedly, "Say it again!"
Joshua could feel his face burned in a second and he said fiercely - clearly defensive, "Are you deaf or something?!"
The Princess blinked, disbelief with his stubbornness, "Why were you not just confessing? You treated me improperly! Just admit it!"
Joshua said coldly, "Yes! That was my mistake for kissing you- but with that, I saved you from those crazy paparazzi. And that's even!"

A silent comes over them.
The girl now eyeing him with a furrowed brows, "What?"
"And I would never repeated myself for such an unimportant thing." Even Joshua said with his euphonious tenor, but it was not deceiving the strength command - full of authority - beneath it, "Do I make myself clear?"

The Princess sighed, she shook her head desperately and murmured softly, "You really are unbelievable, aren't you Joshua?"
Didn't pay any attention to the Princess blunt statement, with his usual composed face Joshua said firmly, "I'm leaving, are you coming with me or not?"

The girl nods silently and begins to walk obediently beside him.

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