Part Fifteen

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The new day comes by without the morning sunlight, instead now the rain began pouring the Dres Van Manor since dawn. Watering the impeccably huge Manor's building with its beautiful flowery garden. Usually Dres Van's fall season was perhaps the most remarkable season to behold with the indescribable beauty of the gardens of Manor – but, maybe not for today. The sky was crying, or maybe its mourning by the Crown Prince's inaccurate decision.

He really doesn't know.

The sound of the door clicked open interrupted him from his dazed. He didn't raise his head in acknowledgement, but however, the sweet fragrance of his invader effortlessly scattered his concentration, invaded his blood stream in a second. Joshua glanced up at her, surprised by her obedient, "You're on time this morning, Annastacia."
She strode up to her chair and sat down quietly, before looked straight at him and snorted, "Even I could wake up early."

Joshua frowned slightly, tried to read the girl in front of him. Last night she didn't act like her usual self - and its bothered him for keep thinking why. With that he couldn't help but remembers the kiss they've shared, with her quivered body, her burned rosy cheeks and her flawlessly curve of lips. Her lips was so soft and enticing, opened slightly in a gasp for his sudden kiss - how cute - all of those made him wanted her more, savoring hers completely.

Then sudden question snapped him out from dazzling. "What are you reading?" Bringing her tea to her lips, she asked him with her a quizzical face.

The stacks of the newspaper from around the world were arranged perfectly on his table side. He knows these are really too much, but because of he missed one day to read them, Jan prepared all of them for him. Joshua flipped the newspaper and said ignorantly, fixing his self composure, "I must to know what the world had said about our wedding."

"And - what did they say?" Annastacia looks at him with an excited eyes. Her beautiful face full of excitement - like a child waiting for a Christmas present.

She really doesn't know what she did for making that face, does she?

Their wedding, in the eyes of the word, was literally an inarguable success. Despite the acknowledgement about what lies beneath, the public had praised their lavish wedding reception without any signs of doubt. Lot of them wrote 'the most perfect union in the world', 'the perfect couple ever' or 'the most flawless dance performance ever'.

Of course, their dance now begin the most trending topics in everywhere, even the news had reported their dance performance repetitively and Annastacia's dress also featured as the most beautiful wedding gown ever on every woman magazine. And surprisingly there was also on Nervanesse newspaper that had said the citizens paraded in celebration.

Joshua quite satisfied enough, after all Annastacia reputation as the beloved Princess of Nervan, wasn't receiving any negative reviews from the civilians. In fact, her union with the Dres Vaninan Crown Prince just made her people endeared her more than she already was.

Apparently their walking around the suburban yesterday didn't have any complaints from those reporters, even though there was no picture of them, several Dres Vanian newspapers still wrote about that careless action suspiciously, but none of them give negative reviews - instead they surprisingly praised for what they purity last afternoon.

The public's assumptions were always just unfulfilled imaginations for the royalties like him - merely psychological appeased to reduce a gap between fantasies and fulfillments, a good prospect for those paparazzi. And something like that shouldn't get any attention for the Rulers like him.

"Not much." He said quietly, flipping page after page of it.
Annastacia sighed, looks at her meal, "Not too talkative, do you?"

Joshua eyeing the girl who's sitting in front of him, she's now eating her breakfast quietly.

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