Chapter 20

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So I think this story kind of wandered off in a different direction that I didn't think would happen! 😂 So it's going to start getting a little more complicated than I originally planned. Chapters will start being longer. I could continue this story forever, haha.


Henry, you did what?!"  Emma asked.

"I changed the pixie dusts fate."

"How did you manage to do that?!" Emma asked.

"Well, I really wanted you guys to be together, and I knew you were confused about your feelings.  I maybe asked Rumple for a deal.  He showed me a book, and conjured me up some anti pixie dust.  I sprinkled it on Mom 1 without her noticing," He chuckled and Regina glared.

"You're messing with fate, kid." Emma stated.

"No, I'm not because the anti pixie dust just takes away the original fate, and it's you who gets to decide your fate, now mom 1," He laughed again. "I didn't cast a a spell on you. Your feelings are real.  I never even thought about you two being together until I saw you kissing on the couch.  So therefore, I know you already had feelings for each other, and I just wanted to help."  He smiled.

Everyone just stood in awe at Henry. 

"And what deal did you make to Rumple Henry?"  Regina asked worried.

Henry looked to the ground, "I gave him the book."

Regina and Emma looked at him in horror.

"What would Rumple need the book for?" David asked.

"I think I know."  Everyone turned to look at Hook.  "Well, think about it.  Everyone's lives are written in that book.  That conniving little bastard!! Think of the knowledge he possesses about all of us, with that book!  He will know our strengths, our weaknesses..."

"I'm pretty sure he already knows all of that," Regina said matter of factly.

"You don't understand.  He has further knowledge that's deeper than any of you can comprehend.  He is going to turn us all against each other." Hook explained.  "We need to get that book back."

Emma sighed, "Ok, well, if we are one step ahead of him and know what he's planning then we can make sure non of us turn against each other."

"It could also be more than just that, we have to figure out what he's up to." Regina said.

Robin was fuming, "Can we please get back to what is really important here?!  We all know Rumple is always up to no good."

Emma and Regina rolled their eyes in unison.  "Give it up Robin.   It's over."

"Fine, but you haven't seen the last of me."  He stormed off, leaving a worried couple behind.

Snow turned to Emma and Regina.  "This can't be happening."

Emma sighed, "Well, it is mother so you're going to have to accept it, and get over it."

David held Mary Margaret' hand, and looked to her, "For some reason, I trust Regina."

Snow whispered, "How can you trust that she isn't working up some evil scheme herself. Maybe she's working with Rumple."

"I can hear you, and no that's not the case. Emma and I are taking Henry and going back home."

"What about Roland?" Henry asked.

"Maybe you should call Robin to tell him how bad of a parent he is." Emma rolled her eyes

"Emma," Regina scolded, but looked at her playfully. "I'm sure he'll be back for Roland, I'm sure he is so angry that he just had to leave. I know how that is." She looked to the ground. "We'll take Roland home with us."

"What do we say to Roland?"

"I'm sure he will be ok. We will just tell him that his dad had to leave for a second, but will be right back."

Emma nodded, "That's ok with me." She squeezed Regina's hand lightly and looked to her mother. "We can talk later, ok?"

Snow just nodded and stayed silent. She still didn't trust Regina. She was trying so hard, but it just didn't make sense why she would love her daughter. She always wanted revenge against her and this just seemed like the perfect revenge.

Emma and Regina brought Roland home that night. He cried for his dad for a little while, but after Regina's soothing, and playing with Emma he completely forgot about him for the night. They put him to bed and shut off the light.

Henry was getting ready for bed also and came out of the hallway as Emma and Regina were headed to the bedroom. "I am really glad you guys are together." He smiled, said goodnight and went into his room to read a comic and go to bed.

Emma turned to Regina and kissed her on the cheek. "Is this really happening?"

"Indeed it is." Regina grinned taking Emma by the hand and leading her into the bedroom closed the door and turned off the light.

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