7-Hello, Goodbye

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Regina was sitting in her class and watching everyone leave when she realised she was finally done for the day. She knew when she started what a blessing her shorter Monday's would be, and she was right. The only downside meant she had long days Tuesday's and Wednesdays. Starting at eight and ending at sometimes as late as ten. Once everyone was out she went to her office. It wasn't a far walk as all she had to do was go out the studio and then go a few doors down and there she was. It was one of the smaller offices since she had her own studio, too. Once she sat down she immediate felt her eyes closing slightly. As she felt herself almost falling asleep her phone rang.
"Miss Mills speaking."
"Auntie Gina!" She heard a little voice yell from the other end of the phone.
"Hello my little prince, how're you?" She immediate smiled as he began rambling on about his day.
"I went to the park and then on the swings. And the slide. And the round bout. And-"
"Henry what're you doing on my phone? Henry I hope you aren't phoning anyone." Emma's voice could be heard in the other end of the call.
"No mommy!" Regina then heard him running and closing doors.
"Uh huh?" He was panting and coughing on the other end after running up stairs.
"Did you call me without asking?"
"No?" She smile as he heard his little voice question his own answer.
"Henry?" She put on her more stern tone and then heard a little whimper of an answer.
"Okay I want you to go and give mommy the phone back. Okay?"
"Okay, wuv you Auntie Gina."
"Love you too."
She sat and listened to him running around his home to find his mother.
"Oh thank you, I'll talk to you afterwards." She heard Emma giving him her stern tone.
"Hello, Emma." She chuckled as the blonde sighed.
"Hi. Had he been in the phone long?"
"No only five minutes. How're you?"
"Ugh okay I guess. Killian is coming home next week so that'll be good. Yourself?"
"Daniels still on the couch. I've got to go to this bakery tonight and order a shit load of food for some fundraiser." She sighed and suddenly heard crying on the other end.
"Henry I told you not to touch! Listen I gotta run Regina. Talk later?"
"Of course go, good luck." The line went dead and Regina placed the phone down.
Opening her emails she started sorting through them and deleting ones she no longer wanted or needed.
20% off your weekly shop when you spend $60!
We've got 25 new pins for you!
"Ehhh delete." Her fingers played over the mouse for a moment before deleting it.
Bakery Info
"What? Delete." She clicked delete before realising what that email would've been for.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" She went into Trash and breathed a sigh of relief once she found it.
Hello Darling,
All info below for bakery. Order is also there, sorry if it's not the best been recommended by someone else.
Regina scrolled down and found the address and then the order.
"Seriously?" She sighed and read the large order.
100 vanilla cupcakes
100 chocolate cupcakes
10 large batches of brownies
There was enough food on there to feed an entire kingdom. And then some.
She forwarded the email onto Mal. She knew she was working later today and wouldn't get it until tonight.
Once she'd went through the rest of her mostly junk emails and replied to the important ones she began re-looking at apartments. She filtered her options to her price range and to her specifications and began looking.
"Too pricey...Too small...Too big..." She went through what felt like hundreds of apartments until she came across one that drew her in.
447 Regal Street
Two bedroom apartment
Access to laundry room and wifi.
3 schools (ranging from elementary to high school) within the area
For more information call the number below.
The more she looked at it the more she was intrigued. There was cute shops lining the street below and work was only a twenty minute walk. She immediately called her estate agent and booked a viewing later that day. Something about the street began looking more and more familiar and it wasn't until she went to street view she noticed what it was, it was the same street as the bakery. Now all she had to hope for was that her and the owner got along and didn't get into a massive blow out over anything. She honestly couldn't see that happening though, since it was probably an old lady who owned it.
She then googled the bakery website and saw it closed a little while after her viewing, everything was falling into place. The best part was there was also a coffee shop next door to the bakery, one she could probably go to for her morning coffee.
She soon realised she was daydreaming about everything to do with the apartment and had been getting her hopes up for an apartment that she probably wouldn't get. As she began listing the cons for the apartment, as difficult as that was, she was pulled from those thoughts to her computer dinging away.
Cora Mills wants to Skype
"Oh crap." She sighed and clicked to answer the call, and as it was connecting she quickly applied a layer of lipgloss and fixed her hair.
"Hello Mother." Regina looked at the large plastered smile on her mothers face and had to refrain from laughing at the one on her own.
"Oh where are you? That doesn't look like your apartment." She peered at the screen.
"I'm at work mother."
"Well why aren't your teaching then?" She laughed and then suddenly stopped waiting her daughters answer.
"I've finished classes for the day. I'm just heading out now, to take care of some more things. I actually need to go soon." She pretended to check a clock on her wall and looked at her mother 'disappointedly'.
"Oh no no you go! I know what it's like house hunting and what not! And anyway the time zones or all mucked up anyway. Listen I'll see you soon okay?"
"Yes mother, have fun. Say hi to Daddy for me?"
"Oh I will sweetheart. Bye!" She waved excitedly at the screen and Regina waved back with a third of the enthusiasm.
"Bye mother." She quickly cut off the chat and gave a sigh of relief.
Once she picked up her things and shut down the computer she went to go get her car which she'd left there from the day before and headed for the bakery.

Regal Recipes (Sequel to Forgetting Our Ending)Where stories live. Discover now