Chapter 1

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On a sunny Saturday morning, she decided to wake up. Who is that you may ask? Her name is Evelyn. Just a twenty four year old woman who decided to pay her older brother, Leonard, a visit. It has been a mere four years since she's seen him besides texting and calling, and she knew that he didn't work on Saturdays. She also knew that he would love to see her again, so Evelyn decided to keep it a surprise. While she was packing a bag, she plugged in the address on her phone. After spending a good hour on packing, she headed towards her car and off to Leonard's apartment.


Once she arrived, there was something odd about the apartment building. Ignoring the thought, Evelyn pulled out her suitcase and headed inside. Standing by the elevator, she pondered over the incident that could've  occurred to cause the elevator to stop working.
"Hey, sorry to burst your bubble but the elevator is broken."
Startled by the voice that said that, Evelyn turned her attention towards the voice a what seemed to be a lady.
"Oh really? I wonder how that happened." 
"Yeah, it's a long story. My name's Penny."
"Evelyn. Hey, could you do me a favor and tell me where apartment 4-A is?"
"Wait... Apartment 4-A? With Leonard and Sheldon?"
That's odd. Since when has Leonard been gay? Oh, let's hope he hasn't told mother!
"Yes. That's the one."
Giving Evelyn a look, Penny began to boil. What is a pretty woman doing looking for her boyfriend? Hopefully she's looking for Sheldon. Maybe she's a scientist as well.
"So, are you looking for Sheldon Cooper?"
Who was that? Evelyn had no idea who that person was.
"No. I'm looking for Leonard Hofstadter. Do you know him?" Evelyn asked as they both began to climb the stairs. Penny began to freak out. How dare Leonard not tell her he was seeing someone hotter than her. Jealousy overpowered her.
"I do. He is my boyfriend."
"Oh really? I never thought Lenny would be able to score with someone like you." What the hell was that supposed to mean? Penny began to steam.
"What is that suppose to mean?" Penny exclaimed as they arrived in front of apartment 4-A.
"Well, Being his sister, I've never seen him with a hot woman as yourself."
This shocked Penny. Evelyn was Leonard's sister? That actually makes more sense and she began to calm down.
"Oh! You're Leonard's sister? But you're so pretty."
"Aw thank you Penny. You know, we should hangout sometime! I'd love to get to know you." Wow. Penny realized that Evelyn was nice unlike their mother.
"Sure! That sounds amazing. Well, I'll let you catch up with Leonard." Penny gave Evelyn a hug and headed over towards her apartment.

Evelyn's POV:
As Penny left, I knocked on the door. After what felt like forever, the door opened. There stood Leonard with a shocked expression.
"Evelyn..." I was so happy to see my big brother. Smiling, I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"Lenny!" We both laughed and sat down looking around the apartment, I began to fall in love with it. Then out of what seemed to be the bathroom, I heard another man's voice.
"Leonard, where on Earth did... Oh. There's a female here and she's sitting in my spot. I don't appreciate it when people sit in my spot." As soon as I got up, I apologized and gave Leonard a look.
"Did you just apologize? That's a first." I smiled. This man was different. Just as I was starting to have a liking, he made a comment.
"Why are you wasting my time? Another Penny, I assume." Before Leonard could respond back, I made a comment.
"To be on the same page, I'm no where near as similar to Penny because it would be awkward to date my own brother." Whenever those words, I received wide eyes from him. Leonard couldn't help but smile.
"You're Leonard's sister?"
"Yep. Dr. Evelyn Hofstadter."
"I'm a psychologist and I'm currently majoring in filming for a side job."
"Now, I'll stop wasting your time as you've said before. Leonard, I'll text you when I arrive the hotel." Leonard gave me THE look.
"What do you mean hotel? You are staying here." Now, I knew that his roommate wouldn't allow me to stay. He seemed to hate everyone. I'm already starting to dislike him.
"No Lenny. Your roommate wouldn't appreciate that. I'll just stop by your work tomorrow and we'll go from there."
"Well, how long are you staying?"
"Two months and then I have to go back."
"Well, alright. I'll see you then."
"Okay. Bye Leonard." Finishing my statement, I headed off to the hotel.

Sheldon's POV:
As soon as she left, I knew she didn't like me. She didn't say goodbye to me. That's unusual. Well, why should I care? I don't have emotions like everyone says.
"What did you think of my sister?"
"Same thing I think about everyone else. She's a human being that I've met and communicated with."
"Wow. You really don't have emotions do you?"
I didn't reply back and Leonard headed towards his bedroom. Checking MySpace one last time, I realized that I had work tomorrow. Putting on my Sunday Pajamas, I decided to go to bed.

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