X X I - [ C H R I S T I A N A ]

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COLD SWEAT started breaking on my forehead the moment Lucifer started chanting whatever the hell he chanted. My skin felt raw and rather disgusting, as if it were being peeled off of me and was being replaced by a new one. My insides feel both hot and cold at the same time, and that being said, the experience of being transformed into a full demon is just uncomfortable as hell.

This is what being reborn feels like?

Having closed my eyes as soon as the 'ritual' started, it is quite disappointing to find out that I feel kind of the same, though perhaps somewhat more powerful than before. Something tells me, though, that my appearance may actually change—because the moment I open my eyes again, Daemon seems quite startled.

"And... Done!" Lucifer sings, happy with his job. "Welcome to the club!"

Daemon shoots him a look of disapproval, and it is clear to me now that Daemon is the most moody, mote skeptical one among the Lucifers.

He then turns to me once more, though a bit cautiously, and asks, "Feia? How are you feeling?"

I look down at my hands, seeing if I have physically changed. When I see that they look more or less the same, however, I frown.

"The same, to be honest." I mumble, wondering if the two men before me have deceived me.

"Oh, but you're not, my dear." Lucifer says, and turns to Daemon. "Teach her our ways, yes?"

Daemon smirks. "Of course, grandfather."

Lucifer nods in satisfaction. "Good. Now off you go."

I decide to speak up then. "Go where, exactly?"

"Back home, of course!" He waves me off. "Goodbye, you two!"

Before I can even respond, both Daemon and I just... Disappear before him, and here we are standing in the living room of my house. Not back in Hell, or even Daemon's palace. My house.

"What the hell?" I ask, confused. "Why are we here?"

Daemon simply shrugs, not knowing why and moreover not giving two shits about why we are now here.

"Christie, dear, is that you?" A woman's voice says from the kitchen, and I just about pissed my pants when I heard her voice.

"Crap!" I half-whisper, half-shouted as I quickly turn my head towards Daemon. "Go hide or something!"

A smirk simply graces his lips, but he doesn't budge and the fact that my mom can come in anytime now doesn't help.

"Daemon!" I hiss at him, annoyed that he's not listening to me. "Get your six foot of an ass away from here!"

"Christie?" Mom says, standing by the living room entrance, and in an instant I know that she will kill me for (involuntarily) bringing a shirtless demon in the house.

She stares at me for a moment or two being completely silent, then frowns.

"Oh, well. Probably just the raccoons."

My jaws fall open, not being able to believe that she can't see me or Daemon standing right in front of her. Mom simply checks the clock hanging on the wall above the TV, and her eyes widen at that instead. "Oh, dear. I'll be late for the meeting." She says, and quickly grabs her purse on the couch before leaving the house.

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