Chapter 7

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Andy's POV

Six months later.

"Hey babe." I said when Ash walked in.

"Hey sorry it took so long the rouge miner just keep going up." He said plopping on the bed next to me.

"I'm sorry wish I could help in some way." I said and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I know you do my dad is giving me the Alpha position next weekend if things go as planned." He said smiling.

"I know but I'm scared about what the pack might think." I said and he frowned.

"Don't worry about it babe they won't touch you. For one you are their Alpha two you have my dad, mom and myself protecting you." He said and I nodded.

Ashley and I have been together for almost six months. Jake and CC just got together last month and are practically insuperable. And Sammi just got back from tour a few days ago and Jinxx has let go of her since. And we all just graduated last month.

"You want to go for a a walk?" Ashley asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah." I said getting up and he grabbed my hand.

We were walking and we stopped by the lake where he asked me out. I smiled as we walked to the end of the dock and sat down.

We sat down and he wrapped his arm around my waist and I put my head on his shoulder.

"This is my favorite place you know why?" He asked laying his head on top of mine.

"Why?" I asked and he smiled.

"This is the place where you said yes to being my amazing boyfriend." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Whay would you have done if I  said no?"

"I don't think about that." He said looking at me.

I could tell that mad him sad so I reached up and kissed him. He froze before kissing me back.

This was our first kiss and it was amazing the fireworks and the sparks.

I pulled away and he smiled before pecking me on the lips once more.

"I'm hungry." I said and he laughed.

"Well that ruined the moment but lets go get you some food." He said helping me up.

"I'm sorry but I haven't ate since lunch yesterday." I said and my stomach growled.

"What do want you baby?" He asked helping me up.

"Hm pizza?" I asked taking his hand.

"If that's what you want." He said pulling me in front of him and wrapping his arms around me.

When the pizza arrived we went up stairs and ate.

"Babe I have to go help my dad again for awhile btu this should be the last time for a day or two." He said taking a bite of pizza.

"Okay . Can we go for a run after? I haven't been in a little over a weak and my wolf wants out." I said finishing off my slice of pizza.

"Yeah I haven't  either."

After he finished he pulled me into his lap.

"I'm going to miss you." He said into my neck causing me to giggle.

"That tickled and I'm going to miss you too." I said and he pulled back and looked at me.

"Okay we I got to go. Bye babe." He said standing up and pulling me with him.

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