Chapter 12

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Andy's POV

The pack doctor come in and checks on my ever few days but other than that things are normal.

"Why haven't you marked me?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Because I didn't know you wanted to be and I wanted to wait till you were ready." He said shocked.

"Well I am an thank you for waiting and not forcing it." I said as he patched up my wrist which is almost healed.

"I will not force you to do anything and I will mark you at a special time sometime soon." He said kissing me.

"Okay." I said hopping down and we walked back to our room.

He grabbed me up my good arm and pushed me against the wall and put my hands above my head careful not to hurt me. He then looked me in the eye, licked his lips and kissed me. It was a slowly loving kiss that ended way to soon for my liking.

"I love you." He whispered his soft sweet breath fanning my face.

"I love you too." I said then he stepped back and led me to the bed.

We laid down and a few minuets later I rolled over and gave an over dramatic sigh.

"Ashey I want to leave the house and to like hot topic or go eat a that Mexican place." I complained looking at him.

"No Andy the doctor told you to take it easy." He said moving the hair out of my face before I or up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I opened the door then looked at him.

"To go get Jinxx and Sammi to take me somewhere." I said walking out before he could protest.

"Sammi take me to hot topic?" I asked when she opened the door.

"Why didn't you ask Ashley?"

"I did but he won't take me but will you please take me I'm tired of being stuck here." I said begging her and she sighed before shaking her head.

"I'm sorry Andy I can't." She said then closed the door.

I walked back to the bedroom and shut the door and pouted.

"Ashey please?" I begged sliding down the door.

"Andy-" he started by I cut him off.

"Ashley I have been in here for the past week I am tired of being stuck in here please just take me to hot topic of I will fucking walk." I said annoyed because I'm being treated like a little kid.

"Okay." He said sighing in defeat.

"Ash look I know I'm you mate and you love me just like I love you. But I can't be trapped in here for ever and I'm not a little kid. I'm sorry I got mad." I said getting up and walking over to him and putting my face between his shoulder blades.

"It's okay babe I understand and I'm sorry." He said turning around and wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you." I whispered in to his chest a few minuets later.

"Love you too. You ready?" He said kissing the top of my head the walking away to get his keys.

Ashley's POV

I woke up and found that Andy wasn't in my arms. I whimpered at the cold and I was about to go look for him when I found a note on his pillow.

-At the weekend house with the guys. Head over when your ready love you.-

I smiled then got up and got dressed before grabbing my keys and heading over there.

"Hey babe. Guys." I said walking over and giving Andy a kiss.

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