|BloodBorne|Plain Doll x Sick!Reader

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(A/N)-Her name is too long so I'll just call her P.D. In the story since she doesn't have a name I will just call her by the first name of her voice actor.Evetta

I open my eyes feeling the hectic raysof the sun hit them mercifully.I swing my feet over the bed and stand up feeling an unusual lag,both drowsiness and Sickness.An awkward feeling of hollowness in my stomach and the lightness of my head was enough to send me running to the bathroom stubbing my toes in the process.

Cursing loudly I run to the toilet and start gagging,feeling the the contents of last nights dinner rising up from my stomach.I then empty those contents ,in the poor porcelain toilet bowl.Feeling the after burn of the of the stomach acid emptied made rush back to the toilet to release the unwanted ,half-digestive liquids out my esophagus.

After a few more times of puking,I feel my head, unusually lighter than this morning and I fall back wards and pass out ,shutting my eyes closed.

I open my eyes yet again expecting to be on the gray tiled bathroom floor.I open my eyes again to see that I am in my normal creamy green room with the oak nightstand at my right.I sniff the air ,smelling the aroma of a bakery.A lady walks into my room.I easily recognized the lady as my girlfriend Evetta.

She looked at in my direction and ran towards me.Evetta had caught me in a friendly embrace wrapping her arms around me.I feel my cheeks heat up.I slowly attempt to get up,but feel two hands at my shoulders pushing me back down.

"Don't worry I'm already making breakfast for you and don't move too much I already had to wrap you in ace wrap twice!plus your sick."Evetta said pulling out a thermometer and sticking it in my mouth.The small object beeped giving off the temperature of 100.3 degrees.

I reach my hand up to grasp Evetta's shoulder before she could leave and pointed to my mouth."water please."I begged ,Evetta quickly nodded and walked out of my room.I felt my eyelids droop a little when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. Evetta Handed me my water,I could barely lift the glass to my mouth,shaking it uncontrollably.Evetta creates stability when she rests one hand underneath the glass and the other on the side,gently guiding it to my mouth.I felt the cool water trickle down my parched throat as if water had extinguished a fire in my esophagus.

Evetta then quickly ran out of the room,creating a small breeze with her movement.She came back in with a plate of scrambled eggs,Buttered toast,and orange juice.Evetta then sits on my bedside chair setting the tray on my lap as well as helping me sit up.I gawked at the delicious looking ,steaming breakfast in front of me.Evetta lets out a small laugh at my gesture."Evetta can you...feed me?" Evetta nods.I knew I could feed myself I just wanted to make a slight bit romantic.

She puts some of the scrambled eggs on a piece of the buttered toast and lifts it towards my mouth.I open my jaws and then closing them trapping the section of food in my mouth feeling great flavor in the food.After gulping down the orange juice and finishing my breakfast I felt much better feeling my strength return to my body.

After one day of recovery I was back to normal,a heathy normal.I was currently snuggled up to Evetta her arm wrapped around my waist. We were watching some documentaries on military combat systems."I love you Evetta."I mumble burying my face in her shoulder.Evetta turning to face me ,with one hand,caressed my cheek and the other never leaving my waist.Not knowing where to put my hands I rest them on the taller girl's shoulders.Evetta brought my face towards hers pulling me in a gentle kiss.She then lays me down on the couch and brings her hips between my legs.Evetta leans over me and pinned my wrist over my head with one hand giving a gentle smile.I smile back wrapping my legs around her waist.

The she kisses me harshly wasting no time in dominating my mouth with her tongue .Evetta then moves to my neck sucking on my pulse spot,dragging a soft yet audible sigh out of me.I feel her smile against my neck making me feel hot and bothered.

The sexual arousal continued to assault the couple that whole night.

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