|Safe| Valeera Sanguinar x Dwarf Oc World of Warcraft

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Your person

Race: dwarf 


Specialization: Holy

Name:Trisselyn Ironhammer

    A frigid cold wind swept in Tirisfal Glades,Alliance and Horde were ready to charge into the Undercity,ready to kill who ever stood in their way of Vengeance.The Horde was on the other side ready to kill  Varimathras ,as for the Alliance grand apothecary Putress was going to face their vengeance from beyond the Wrathgate.Varian hurried his men along with Valeera Sanguinar and Lady Jaina Proudmoore.Trisselyn Ironhammer was among these fighters as a healer of the dwarf alliance ,currently being courted by Rogue Vallera Sanguinar.

Storming the Undercity elevators Trisselyn was crammed between Jaina and Valeera along with a bunch of Varian's  sweaty men. After descending several floors underground the narrow excuse for  the door opened.Warriors of the Alliance poured out the opening like blood out of a fresh corpse.

Running into a band of Putress's henchmen,Valeera slaughtered them with ease as Jaina was freezing them in place.Trisselyn using flash of light as a quick and efficient way to heal her comrades tripped while running falling into a pair of cold arms,looking up she shrieked as she saw an undead looming over with it's dagger raised over the Priest's face ominously as her eyes widened with fear.The undead froze it's dagger falling,it's eyes landed on the blade impaling his chest,then dropping on the ground like a wet blanket. The blade retracted from the corpse showing the attacker.


Her Valeera.

Trisselyn let out a cry of relief as she was pulled into a pair of strong arms.The Dwarf looked up to see the glowing green eyes belonging to her lover. Valeera let out a small laugh letting out a snort while doing so, before releasing The small being. " You clutz " She said smiling wrapping an arm around her briefly  before running off and decapitating an undead. Finally the group after losing a few men, reach Putress in his laboratory . Varian rushes head first striking Putress with his sword and Jaina summoning water elemental a to attack.

Trisselyn smites Putress interrupting him from throwing the plague of undeath (doesn't really stop him in the game). Putress falls,but gets up to avoid a swing from Varian's sword. Valeera digs  her fel daggers into his back. Letting out an odd gurgle , Putress swatts at her sending her to Trisselyn's location. The priest quickly heals her and continues to smite Him. Putress sprints towards Trissleyn,fist raised to land a punch . The dwarf feels a bony hand collide against her face causing her mind to go blank. Putress smirks from under his mask,throwing the unconscious priest to the end of the room and turned around just to be impaled by Varian and Valeera. Putress drops to the Floor coughing up green mucus like slime. Varian look down at him "For Bolvar!" He shouts driving his blade into the forsaken's heart killing him.

Valeera runs quickly to Trisselyn picking the dwarf up with surprising ease. She speed walks over to Varain seeing that he was in the middle of confronting Thrall, the Orc warchief . Jaina freezes all of them hoping to do so before anyone dies, teleporting them to Stormwind. Valeera quickly runs around the capital hoping to find a Paladin, shaman,or another priest. Running into a human Paladin "Hey you can you resurrect her, I cannot seem to get into consciousness." The paladin quickly nods performing a ritual of light, raising her from beyond the void.

Valeera waves goodbye to the retreating paladin."Valeera...is that you?" A Scottish accent pipes up.Valeera looks down to her arms  to see her lover wide awake .

"Is Putress dead?" The dwarf asks.

"Yes,Varian and I delivered the final blow,don't worry you safe here in Stormwind."

Valeera let Trisselyn on the ground humming."Hmmm you're still short." Trissleyn glares daggers at her,casting a levitation spell on her.Valeera looks down to her feet quickly ,discovering that she is hovering a foot off the ground.Trisselyn falls on her back laughing at the expression on Valeera's face.

"You're mean!"

"that is what you get for calling me short!"

"that is what you get for calling me short!"

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Trisselyn pouts and turns away from Valeera angerly .The blood elf feeling slightly bad was amused by this , bends down and wraps her arms around the dwarf's waist and earning a shriek of surprise out of her. " You maybe short ,but I still love you."

Trisselyn cheeks flare bright red making Valeera release a low chuckle."I'm not a gnome ,I'm not that short!"  Valeera laughed yet again letting out a short as she did so.Trisselyn felt her self being lifted up off the ground and onto valeera's shoulders .

"H-hey what are ye doin' "Trisselyn exclaimed waving her arms in the air. Varleera made a weird snort. Trisselyn finally understood to the point she was getting a piggy back ride and started yelling and shouting that she was the queen of the world.

Valeera lowered her until Trisselyn was her same height and did a dip, lowering her near the ground, her face merely a few inches from her own. Valeera kissed her driving her lips on to her lover below.Trisselyn wrapped her arms around Valeera's neck letting out a low moan,bucking her hips to Valeera's. Valeera smirked against Trisselyn's lips and whispered-

"Don't worry love,your safe as long As I'm here."

YISSSS another wow fic I'll probably write more WOrld of Warcraft fics 9I love this game like anything and I have been playing the Warcraft franchise since 1995.Till world of Warcraft came out.

Any wow requests?I wont do them immediantly,but just curious on what you'd pick.

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