Completing This Book

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(A/N)- Sorry to say I'm ending this book and no there won't be another. I'm starting to grow out of the "x reader oneshot" format for writing self inserting oneshots. I've been mostly working on preferences and imagines on my Castlevania Tumblr page (if you're interested in seeing my page just DM me). Another aspect of leaving this book (as well as many others on this account) is Wattpad's format. I've been writing and reading on Wattpad for around 7 years. This account is around 5-6 years old and my older one is 7. Wattpad has been going through some pretty big changes with most of those being ones I disagree with. Examples being Wattpad Premium, paid stories, coin system, overly consistent ads, and my least favorite contributor of my disagreements on Wattpad's changes, The offline reading system. Wattpad used to be %100 free and writers all over could share their original works and fanfiction makes alike. No pop up ads, no coin system for having to pay to read other people stories. The offline library reading system was one of Wattpad's defining traits throughout the years where writers and readers could access and read a nearly infinite supply of books offline. According to the reviews on the "newer" Wattpad format, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Many old writers and Wattpad users I know have moved on to Tumblr, Ao3 (Archive of our own), and even the old FanFiction.Net. As for what I am going to still be doing on Wattpad, probably just my Attack on Titan Preference book or one similar for another fandom. Thank you guys for reading this book, for those who had requests, I may or may not finish and publish them, if not then I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill your requests. As for my old book I noticed that has now 101k reads, and those of you who've been reading those old poorly written oneshots and have carried yourselves over to this book I thank you. With out writing these as I did, I would've never grown as a writer as much as I have in the past few years. Thank you again and farewell!

If you are interested in my works on Tumblr or Ao3, DM me. I'm far more active on both of those than on here.

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