|Diablo 3| Li-Ming x Reader - Dance

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By the way this is what the heart of iron robe looks like

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By the way this is what the heart of iron robe looks like. (-:

    You were not a good dancer.No doubts linger about it,but Li-Ming wanted you to go to the dance with her and that was that.

For all you know is the blush that spreads like a wildfire on your cheeks as the wizard moves past you gracefully . Even something as much as light tap could set your face ablaze with such heat ,it would put Kael'Thas to shame.

How did this happen?
After a good match the heroes of the nexus decided to host the dance , (The hosts being Arthas and Kael'thas) And li-Ming though it was a great idea To bring you. An offer from Li-Ming you could not turn down for your love for her was too much to say no.

This leads to you now being dragged through the dorms trying to get to Li-Ming's room. "(Name) do you have anything to wear?" The wizard says trying to hide a mischievous grin. You fluster up in embarrassment "No,I wasn't even planning on going." You said .Li-Ming's grin widened.
"Well, you can use one of my old wizard robes, Jaina's are too battle worn to even bring to a dance and kael's are- do I really need to explain?" You giggled "You got that right, I might be a size small for you thoug Li." You said trying your best not to fan girl.

The wizard Disappears into her walk in closet and comes back with a shiny plated black robe with an inscription on the back.

Heart of iron
It said.
lt was beautiful with the way it glinted against the light,almost like a smooth charcoal river. There for you would not let the enchantress (Not the follower) put it on you . "Well I have a way to deal with this." Li-Ming said,a devious smirk showed itself along her face. You feared on what she was going to do next, with a snap of her fingers, you were in the robe.Your clothes appeared in the Wizards hands with a little 'pop' at the end.You looked down at your legs only to see your underwear on, you quickly covered your self. "Li-Ming ! You forgot the pants!" You said waiting for her reply.

Li-Ming stared at you little bit before snapping herself out of her trance "Oh yeah,here" black pants materialized literally out of no where. "Thanks Li-Ming." You said,trying on the surpringly comfortable pants.  You looked at your pocket watch "Li we are going to be late!" . A gloved hand wraps around your waist and arcane energy swirls around you. "Not if I can help!" Li-Ming says ,flashing an over confident grin. Your feet hit the ground,but did not stabilize you and ended up tripping until Li-Ming caught you. "Wow,you okay there?" She said lifting you up on your feet.

You turn your head to see Kael'Thas walking your way. You lean over to Li-Ming "Kael alert" you whisper eliciting a giggle out of her. Kael'Thas wrapped an arm around you shoulder " I'm on fire baby wanna feel the heat?" Kael'Thas whispered into your hear making you feel very uncomfortable. Li-Ming sensed this and blasted a little magic force enough to move him away from you. Kael'Thas grumbled and walked off to Jaina and started flirting with her until he was frozen ina block of ice.

Arthas laughs at this "And thus the fire went out,good way to blow out the candle." .You and Li-Ming gave the lich King a thumbs up and he winked in reply . Zagara was talking with Anub'Arak,Kerrigan was talking with Valla and Sylvanas, Nova was flirting with Jaina,and Li-Ming was dancing with you.Well, you weren't dancing  you were just swaying side to side a little. Li-Ming pointed to the frozen Kael'Thas  who was being freed from the ice by Illidan's fel fire eye beam. "They would be so cute together." Li-Ming stated. You nodded in agreement. Kael'Thas walks over to Jaina and drops a chunk of ice down her robe. "That's for making me a popsicle ,the least you could've done was put Snow cone syrup on top.". Then the fire mage walked over to you and Li-Ming "Hey,Listen I'm sorry about the whole flirting thing so um here." With that Kael'Thas handed you a small letter.

Good luck with Li-Ming!

She Likes you back by the way, being a fire mage, I can read blushes,that's all you need to know here's a little gold  for what I caused back there.

From the worlds most sexiest blood elf


You laughed out loud and walked up the Kael and hugged him "Thanks Kael, you need to teach me that skill." The fire mage just laughs and pets your head,but his head perks up quickly. "(Name) Li-Ming is walking over here and waltzing music just came on and I can sense that she is going to ask you to dance ,see you later."Kael  Quickly said. You handed him a small letter Kael sighs and shoves you towards Li -Ming who in return catches you in her arms again. "(Name) dance with me?" The wizard says. Kael, Arthas,Jaina,Sylvanas,Nova,Kerrigan,Valla, Nazeebo,Valeera, Varian,and Diablo give you thumbs up. Your mouth gapes open as a wave of people just start giving people thumbs up. Just as Li-Ming looks at them,they go back to normal.

"I um do not know how to waltz or dance in general." You sputter. Li-Mind smiles warmly "Then I'll assists you,I'll lead." . The wizard moves your right hand on her shoulder and eases your left hand in her her rights hand . Her left hand is placed at your hip and you and the Enchantress step side to side, trying best stop to step on her toes . Arthas,Kael,Illidan,and Sylvanas along with Valeera whoop at you guys pumping their fists in the air. This is sooo unlike Sylvanas you thought 

I'm just enjoying myself for once (name) I can petrude thoughts by the way,now go back to Li-Ming

You gasp and Li-Ming moves closer to you and gasp again when the spot light hits you two. Li-Ming tilts your chin up and kisses you. Clapping ,whistling ,and more whooping was heard as the audience broke out into a full standing ovation-like applause. Li-Ming pulls away from you slowly and the audience goes dead silent. 

"(Name),Will you be my Girlfirend?"

The crowd is on the suspense waiting some silently giving thumbs up or mouthing Yes.

You take a deep breath

"Yes,I will."

Li-Ming Tackles you onto the floor hugging you and kissing you all over your face.Tears flowed lightly down your eyes.The crowd bursts into cheers Valeera kisses Valla, Sylvanas puts an arm around tyrande who in return kisses Sylvanas and flips off Malfurion (CUZ FUCK THAT GUY) .Illidan warapps his arms around Kael'Thas and lifts him off the ground in a hug.Arthas hugs the both of you.

After that Li-Ming took you back to her dorm to do whatever (your choice honestly )

Later that night

Kael walks back into his room exhausted and is greeted by a sleeping illidan.The blood elf quickly snaps a quiet picture of the sleeping Illidari. He almost forgot about that (name) gave him and opened it.

Btw Kael 

Illidan totally wants you ,he told me lol,don't tell him I sent you this he eye beam me, You look good as a popsile and you are forgiven,thanks for supporting me.

-Your amazing friend (name)

Ps I know you like him back the flirting was just for cover. (-;

A/N- HOLY SHIT LI-MING WAS TOO HOT NOT TO WRITE JESUS I LOVE HER AFTER BEATING diablo 3 with her. I think I'll write the Valla one next.I love all the diablo characters I keep them close to my heart along with world of Warcraft. Any suggestion for requests please Private message  me.

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