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      Ok, I have reasons why I was gone for SO LONG! First I was sick to my stomach.....then I got grounded, and now I have to announce something that's coming up!!! So this week, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I have this trip in school. In my grade, the 5th graders would always go to the Poconos in April for 3 days, though the teachers told us to call the Poconos, the PEEC TRIP! But, when I go, none of the kids are allowed to bring phones, iPads, laptops, or anything like that! Or else we will be sent home. We basically will be going on hikes, doing scientific activists, building up our cooperation with our groups. Anyway, I'm SO SO SO SO SO SORRY!!!! I won't be able to update until after my PEEC trip. So I'm terribly sorry, yet I can't wait to actually update!!

Samgladiator: Yandere High School (Continued on my other Account)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin