{Ch. 5~ PT. 1: Summer Vacation}

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~Kasai's~ P.O.V.....

        "Look at the view! And did you hear that they have hot springs too?!" Noami gave a cheeky smile, while looking at me, and Mizuki through the reflection in the huge window. I sat on one of the three queen size beds in the hotel room. Our suitcases sat patiently by the small kitchen, filled with all our clothings, and, or supplies. The 3 female, teacher chaperones had their own rooms, with all the girls on the 7th floor/right side of the hotel, vice versa fro the males.

Our student body had sent half of the school on a vacation for a whole 2 weeks. The rest are taking their exams during the 14 days as well, after comes our exams, and their vacation. So for my 2 weeks, no overprotective twin brothers, no exams, no work, just a very nice week off from our terrorizing school as Mizuki calls it. Now, we are waiting for Ms. Okami, Mrs. Lei, and Ms. Zara to accompany us all to the beach. Then, a voice boomed throughout the hallway to our room loudly.

"Ladies, you'll be escorted to the beach, where you may take part in activities, or just swim, and relax.." A tough, strong but feminine voice yelled, alarming the three of us.

"Well then, are you girls ready to dress to impress," Slowly, I turned my head towards Mizuki who had the same look on my face.


      Noami, Mizuki, and I walked out of the hotel's cool shade, my black rimmed sunglasses fell over my bright eyes, the sun rays not effecting my eyes

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      Noami, Mizuki, and I walked out of the hotel's cool shade, my black rimmed sunglasses fell over my bright eyes, the sun rays not effecting my eyes. A white sun dress was layered over my pink and blue bathing suit, along with Aqua blue shorts, matched with a pair of tan sandals. Mizuki wore a waterproof shirt, and shorts clearing seeing that she was planning to go surfing for the beach day with a surf board. The opposite was for Noami, who wanted to make contact/connect with some of the students, or otherwise known as to flirt with some boys. I, myself, was going to take part in various activities, like volleyball, and swimming.

      The three of us found our perfect spot, underneath a tall, thin tree. The white sand was cooler, and instead of the twigs, and broken shells, there was a blank and clear flat area. Heaving a sigh, I lightly plopped down on one of the three furnished beach chairs that happened to be settled down. Enjoying the peace & quiet for the longest time possible with eyes closed, it was, of course, disturbed. A cocky voice echoed through the my ears, and made me wish hard that one person would just leave me along for a while.

      Opening an eye, the frames of my glasses slide farther down my nose, allowing me to see the green haired annoyance. Piercing sapphire eyes stared down at me, while her mouth curved into a small, smug smirk. Astral was wearing a yellow two piece swimsuit, with lime swirls as a pattern. She had a layer of makeup on her face, making her seem like in a competitive beauty pageant. Her hair in a messy bun, and causing me to see her as the step mother of Cinderella, in...a teenage sort of way.

  "Why hellooo, if it isn't Noam, Zuki, and Kay~!" The little nicknames could already tell me, something wasn't right. Especially, when she likes to usually torment us daily.

        A slight glance to the left of me, I could see Noami looking up from a book she was reading, and Mizuki to stop polishing her surf board, for them to give her matching crazed looks. To make sure, I turned my head behind me to look for anyone else that, would probably go by those nicknames. Nothing. Just a big pool right in front of the back entrance of the hotel. I considered the possibility that it might be a nicer way, of confronting her victims, and just trying it out on us three.

  "Who are you talking to?" The question from Mizuki, seemed to puzzle the prep, giving herself an, almost, innocent face.

   "You three, of course!" She cheered.

     '...She hit her head didn't she. Those heels are about 7 inches high,' It pondered in my mind, that Astral could never be this nice, unless there was an accident, that I wish I saw.

     "So, I was wondering. If you are going to the summer party in the night lounge tonight?" Astral's eyes hid something, and I shook it off, but wanted to know if my friends had noticed.

     "Well, yeah! It's a school activity, everyone is going..." Noami answered, curiosity filled her voice, assuring me that she was also thinking the same thing as me.

    "Wonderful! Just....wonderful! I can't wait to see you three there!" She waltz off without another word. My eyes dart along with my head towards the twins, they shrugged but still had the most confused look like mine. I could just be paranoid, it is just a party as well, what could be planned for us there?

Samgladiator: Yandere High School (Continued on my other Account)Where stories live. Discover now