[New Book & Special Ch.]

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   So, I had just posted a new book up, check it out if u want, and I'll be uploading a new chapter for this book sometime today. This chapter is going to start some summer scenes, it's basically what you call some special chapters. Let me fill you in with what's gonna happen a bit.

   The student council is planning a trip for half of the school, while the other half must assume some exams. It'll be vice versa fro the vacationing half when they get back. In the group of the vacationing students, is Kasai, the twins, Alec & Kael, Astral, and some more.

   With her twin brother out of the picture, Kasai won't have to worry about much over protection from him, but some from Alec & Kael, who seem to be attach to the younger girl, yet she doesn't mind much. But, an eerie plan has formed in Astral's mind with the help of someone else.

  Anyway, it'll be some interesting stuff going down, and now I just feel like a Youtuber introducing a Roleplay. So, the new book is called, One Word May Lead To Worlds. Its suppose to be just an idea, but if it starts to get more popular than maybe I continue it. The book is about a orphaned teen living with her best friend, who is stuck on her deceased mother's dying words when she was 13. It was a strange puzzle to solve, what exact word would lead her to other worlds, that might be beside her own with everyone else in the real world living in. There's a little summary of it, so I hope you go check it out.

Samgladiator: Yandere High School (Continued on my other Account)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz