Part 1

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((And here I am again. I hope you guys will like this much better, I can't express how sorry I am.))

Deep in the ocean, Prince Castiel's room

Prince Castiel was swimming up and down his room, his long black tail was slicing effortlessly through the water as he moved. The room was large but mostly undecorated, unlike his brothers and sisters, Castiel was simple in his tastes. The room had coral walls like all the rooms but he had taken out most of the ocean plants that would grow there. His only furniture was a large bed made from soft moss and seaweed as well as a small blue table. Upon which was a very bored, very annoying merman called Gabriel. Castiel's best friend.

"Can you please stop doing that? It's making my dizzy. I swear to god I'm going to cut off that god forsaken tail of yours." Gabriel said while flapping his own golden tail in annoyance.

"Doing what?" Castiel looked at him quizzically and he came to a halt by the bed. Gabriel just sighed and yawned.

"You know, the whole swimming up and down thing."

"But we are mermen, swimming is what we do."

"Lord will someone just take that stick out of your ass already? It was funny at first but now it's just annoying." He said as he rubbed his face with exasperation, the other merman just appeared more confused. "Can we please just go somewhere?!"

"Gabriel... You know what my dad is like." He absent mindedly touched the silver crown on his head before removing it and placing it on the little blue table next to Gabriel then swimming back to his bed.

"He's not going to know! Come on Cassy, you're always so boring! Dad this dad that. Fuck your dad, lets have some fun." Gabriel swam over to Castiel and grabbed his shoulders. "Please! I'm going to go insane from just staying in this damn kingdom. Lets go to shore." Castiel looked at him like he was clinically insane.

"Are you mad?! What if were seen?!"

"Come on! We wont be seen. I promise." He shook Castiel's shoulders a little, a mischievous grin had appeared on his face. Castiel just sighed while internally he was a little excited, he'd never been outside the palace before.

"Fine, we can go." Those words lit up Gabriel's face like a Christmas tree, within seconds Gabriel has grabbed Castiel's hand and was pulling him through the door. They snook out of the kingdom which wasn't too hard as neither has anything on them that would make them stand out. They swam out until the kingdom was out of site. A few miles further Castiel stopped and looked around himself unsure.

"Gabriel are you sure about this? Maybe we should go back."

"Hey no, you ain't backing out of this now." He grabbed Castiel's wrist tightly and began pulling him further out.

"Are you sure this is the right way?"


"How do you know??"

"Just trust me okay?" After that Castiel shut up and let Gabriel take him. Not long after he noticed the water getting lighter and the see bed getting shallower. There also seemed to be more and more smaller blue and grey fish around them rather than the large colourful ones they were used to in the coral. Gabriel spotted something and pulled Castiel to it, it was a small section of rocks that they could sit on while keeping their tails in the water. The rocks were rough and uncomfortable but Castiel was awestruck when he climbed up. He'd never seen land before and it was beautiful. Gabriel snickered.

"What? You never need land before?" The small blush and the silence that followed made Gabriel's eyes widen. "Seriously?? Your father is a total dick man."

He shrugged. "Yeah well-" He stopped.

That's when they saw them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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