Part 4

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After about ten minutes of waiting a nurse ran towards them she was frantic and looked terrified. Sam stood to try and comfort her.
"What happened?" He asked trying to be as calm as possible but the nurse wasn't really cooperating. Dean decided it would be best to find out for himself.
"Sam, I'm going to see what has happened. Stay here and look after her, Bobby come with me." He started to run toward the medical room Castiel was being held, Bobby ran after him. When they got to the room they were shocked to see the doctor dead on the floor with two gapping holes were his eyes used to be.
"Dammit." Bobby said and then he turned to Dean "I should of seen this coming, he is pretty powerful and he must have freaked out when he woke up in a strange room with someone he didn't know." Dean sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.
"So where do we find him?" he asked.
"Well being a prince and all the sucker has probably gone after his crown." Bobby said and Dean nodded. Just they were about to leave they heard a gruff but slightly wobbly voice.
"Wrong" Dean span and looked in the direction on the voice. He could just see the top of Castiel's head from where he was sat behind the bed. When he walked round he saw Castiel sat on the floor with his knees tucked into his chest. He looked really innocent but Dean wasn't sure he had just burnt the eyes of the doctor out. Just as Dean thought that Castiel made a little sobbing sound.
"I...I..I didn't m mmean too, I jjust ffreaked." He said. It was really weird like he had just read his mind.
"I..I ccan do tthant sometimes" Dean took a step back. He was reading his mind and Dean was not too happy about it.
"Sorry Dean I should of mentioned the mind reading part." Bobby said looking slightly amused. Castiel stood up and Dean realised he was only wearing blue hospital trousers and no top. Bobby coughed awkwardly and Dean tore his eyes away from the toned body.
"Come on, we'll get someone to collect the doctor. And it's ok Castiel we understand it was a accident." Bobby said walking out leaving Dean and Castiel to tag behind him.

"So, erm I'm Dean." Dean said trying to start convocation.
"I know" Was Castiel's reply he still seemed kind of shaken up after the accident. There awkward silence was broken moments latter when the nurse saw Castiel and screamed. Dean, Sam and Bobby tried desperately to calm her down while Castiel just walked past them and collected his crown putting it on his head. Dean looked up to see his and god did he look gorgeous in the crown. He walked away with his hands shaking, he really hadn't meant to kill that doctor. Dean followed Castiel out while Sam and Bobby took the nurse to get some rest.
"Where are you going?" he asked as Castiel drifted through the corridors like he'd lived here his whole life.
"To speak to my friend and give him a big fat I told you so."
"Oh" Was all Dean could say as Castiel led them across the beach. He wadded into the water and swam effortlessly toward the rocks still in the pants. Dean just waited on the sore. He didn't want to go back in the water today. But with the way Castiel looked back at him with those sparkling blue eyes he knew he wasn't getting what he wanted. He swam across annoyed because he has only just dried off, when he climbed onto the rocks with Castiel he wasn't sure of what to do when a small man with caramel hair bobbed up to the water holding onto the rocks.
"Hey Cassie how you hanging?" He said and Castiel scowled at the nickname.
"I told you assbutt! Now I'm stuck here for a week!" Castiel said.
"Assbutt?" Dean asked and he looked at him weirdly.
"Yeah, he's never been very good with swearing. I'm Gabriel Cassie's favourite ever friend. And you are?"
"I'm Dean."
"Nice to meet you Dean, now look after Castiel while he's up there ok? good. now I have to go before Castiel decides to show my how strong he really is. Byeeee" He dove into the water and disappeared from site.
"Well, he was... interesting" Dean said before deciding it was probably a good time to leave Castiel to let off some steam. If he was stuck as the wrong species for a week he sure as hell would need some time alone. 

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