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(I am probably the worst human being in the world. 'Why is that other that the FACT YOU HAVENT FUCKING UPDATED IN MONTHS?!?!' Well there is that but i may have slightly forgotten about the story because i've had so much on and may or may not have had to re read my own story. Woops. Anyhow it is here and i'm going to hopefully make it long? I don't know, i alway type these out before i start typing the actual story. Anyway enjoooy! :P)

Dean was awoken by a blinding light peircing through his closed eyes. The first thing he noticed was the fact he was in his bed, not in the chair next to Cas' hospital bed and secondly he noticed there was someone in the room. Quckly he jumped out of his bed and tackled the other presence in his room to the ground.
"Jesus Dean, get of me." Oh. It was Sam.
"Sam! What are you doing in my room? More importantly why am i in my room and not in the freaking hospital?!?!" He jumped up off Sam leaving him on the floor. Sam picked himself up.
"For one, if you actually paid attention for once there was no point you being in the hospital because Cas is right there." He pointed to the bed in Dean's room that Cas was meant to and is slepping in (Well more coma-ing in if thats a word) "And two, Dad and Bobby moved you guys. Bobby will explain everything later, the reason he isn't in hospital was that apparently he'll wake up sometime tonight. I'm not too sure but like i said Bobby is going to clear it propperly later. All the guests that are staying are either round the castle or still in their rooms, do not tell them about this with Cas."
"Oh, ok." He paused seemingly forgetting Gabe's strange behaveiour before and looked at Cas' 'sleeping' form then back to Sam.
"Sam, can you just..." He motioned towards the door. "I need to get out of this suit."
"Jeez Dean your such a girl." He walked towards the door and Dean called after him.
"Jerk" Sam replied just before closing the heavy wooden door behind him. He started to take off his tie then he realised how awkward he felt undressing while Cas was 'slepping' in the room. So he sliped into his bathroom, had a bath and changed into a black tunic and some dark brown pants. After this he went downstairs and into the main living room where he expected there to be lots of the guests but instead it was just King John, Sam, Bobby, Gabriel and now himself.
"Where are the guests?" He asked walking towards them.
"The dining hall." Replied the king. "It's 10am Dean, when they put the brekfast on. You need to sort yourself out." They all looked at John baffeled, he only asked where the guests were. John sighed. "Sorry Dean come sit down, i'm just... stressed." Dean nodded and sat on one of the chairs with furs drapped over it.
"So" Dean started looking to Bobby. "What in hell is going on here?"
Bobby and Gabriel exchanged looks and Bobby decided to speak up.

(OH I AM SUCH A BITCH. Sorry i like doing cliff hangers, i know you all hate me for it but it's kinda fun :3 Any way, i think i did well on this chapter over 500 words :D Hope you liked it.)

In the Deep Blue (destiel and sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now