Part 5

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After about an hour Castiel came back inside and stood awkwardly in the living room as Dean and his father argued about Castiel and the ball tonight, they were unaware of his presence. He cleared his throat and the turned to look at him.
"Hello." He said not really know what else to say.
"Hi Cas, erm there is this ball thingy on tonight and you don't have to come or anything but it would be totally cool if you did, anyway as I was saying with the ball on all the rooms are full as there will be a ton of guests from loads of different kingdoms so you'll probably have to share with me if that's ok with you I mean, and has anybody said you look good in that crown that's a nice crown I think you should wear it to the ball tonight, if you go that is and-"
"Dean" John said looking at him sternly. "You're rambling again." At this point Cas was amused at Deans rambles and had a light smirk on his face. Dean saw this and turned a little red.
"Thank you Dean, and I would not be apposed to accommodating with you as long and the king is ok with it." He looked at John who just nodded and Dean smiled.
"Great, I'll show you where it is." Dean walked out the door and beaconed him to follow. 

A flight of stairs, some corridors and a painful silence later they were outside Deans room, he opened the door and Cas was impressed. With Deans character he expected a messy room with some food dying in a corner, but instead he was greeted with a spacious clean room with 2 neatly made beds, a big walk in wardrobe and a bedside table.
"Welcome to were you'll be staying" Dean said with a slight frown.
"what's wrong?" Cas asked noticing this.
"Sammy cleaned my room again, it's not even his room anymore but he insists on it being tidy." Well Cas was right and his question of the 2 beds was answered.
"Ah, Which one is my bed?"
"The one closer to the window." Dean said pointing to it.
"Thank you Dean"
"No problem Cas." Dean smiled as Cas flopped down onto the bed.

They ended up talking for not noticing the time, it was only when Sam walked in telling them to get showers and for Cas to come to try on a suit when he was done that they realised they had been talking for 4 hours. When Cas went down to get a suit Dean got out his to put on, he also realised that he probably wasn't going to see Cas again until the ball, so he did his hair and made himself look irresistible to men and women (he was openly bi) then prepared for a night to many people trying to try and marry him for his money. I hope and pray there is going to be someone there that like me for me and not my money. He thought as he put the golden crown on his head and slipped his leather gloves.
It's going to be a long night.

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