Part 12

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( Ok so yes i said every monday. Yes i haven't done that. Yes it is sunday. I truely am sorry guys ok, after i got back from grans where i did my last update a lot of stuff happened and i just... sorry. I just couldn't even think aout this and i am honestly so gratefull for you guys for waiting for me. So those of you that aren't and are fed up with me, thank you so much. But saddly can't promise regular updates because i honestly don't know what could happen. But yeah, heres chapter 12. And i have also decided to recomend song on my updates don't ask why cause even i don't know. This update: Spooky scary skeletons remix by The Living Tombsrones. )
Bobby looked over too the two fools struggling apart while neither of them wanted to fall on the floor. It would have been amusing to Bobby if he didn't have the over bearing fact that he now has to put up with a hormonal, arrogant, cocky little sod and a merman who is now a human ish and will probably die if he doesn't get some. He sighed and walked around to the other side of the couch then pushed them both off it and on to the floor.
"Stop foolin' around ya idjits, we have to do some reserch on Mermen folk law." They both looked up at him not bothering to get up off the floor, Cas' crown had fallen crooked and Dean didn't understand why he wore it when he wasn't doing princely duties and such. That was the only time Dean wore his.
"Why would we have books on mermaids/men if only you knew they were real?" Dean questioned looking to Bobby then Cas.

"Idjit, you think i'd be the only one out there to know about mer-people. Of course not, you think of how long people have been sailing the seas you have to think that someone would notice people with tail swimming around in there. Use your brain boy." He lightly hit Dean on the back of thew head jokingly. "Come on, i'm sure there is some stuff in the library." Dean nodded and got up then held out a hand to cas, he accepted and let Dean pull him up, which he was perfectly capable of doing himself, he just liked the way Dean looked down at him expectently. He shook his head. No this is Dean, you have know him for what, a day? He followed Dean and Bobby through the long hallways stopping every so often to look at a painting that decorated the wall, there were so many, it was amazing. The castle was just beautiful. But about 5-10 minutes into the walk, he didn't really keep track of time because in the ocean he had the sun, he stopped and gazed upon a huge picture of what he knew was Dean, Sam, King John and a woman he had never seen before.

The painting was by far the most beautiful he had seen yet, they appeared to be in the gardens and they were all dressed in white. Dean and Bobby were quite away ahead of him when Dean finally noticed he wasn't walking behind them anymore. Dean walked back towards Cas and stood next to him looking at the painting.
"Who is the woman?" Cas asked the question directed at Dean. Dean took a deep breath.
"That's my mother. Queen Mary."
"Oh, she is fantastic Dean, why havent i seen her around the castle?"
"Erm.. well she passed away when i was about 4, Sam was only 6 months."
"Oh i'm so sorry."
"It's fine. I get it a lot." Cas nodded.
"Also may i ask out of curiosity why is she in this painting, i don't mean to be rude but you only look to be a few years younger than you are now so i'm guessing this painting is fairly new."
"Yeah, Dad wanted her in for sentiment or something, this one is kept here where as another just like it but without mom is portrade in the main living room." Cas nodded again. "Come on lets go to the library now."
They set off walking again and they didn't pass many guests which was unsurpriseing, they were probably socialising i the living and dinning rooms eating snacks and drinking booze not caring for the time. Most of them were probably wondering where the princes were considering they were having all this becasue they wanted to find partners.

Just beofre they rached the library Cas stopped again but this time he didn't seem to be looking at anything, he started to walk in a circle as if looking for something. Dean also stopped.
"Cas are you ok?" He took a step towards him and he saw that Cas' eyes now looked cloudy and un focused. Cas immdiatly looked up and up and stopped walking around in circles but instead he started to walk round Dean looking him up and down. If Dean wasn't thinking rationally at this point he probbaly would have made some joke about Cas liking what he saw. And just before Dean could ask him if he was ok again Cas stood in front of him and oushed him again the wall, snaking his arms around Deans waist and burying his head into Dean chest. It all happened so quickly Dean didn't even have time to react. So instead of trying to pry Cas of as it seemed like a bad idean he called for Bobby.
"Bobby help!" He said franticly but not shouting.
All he got in reply was loud snorting laughter.

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