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The night was dark. An icy wind whipped the occasional snowflake into my line of vision and the street outside the hospital was mostly empty, save for the lone police car that had just pulled up.

Unaffected by the weather I crouched on the roof of the building opposite the hospital, reluctant to travel too far away in case Jamie needed me at any time. Once news of the discovery of my species had managed to filter through the hospitals population, I had been forced to leave.

At first it had been a sort of organised chaos, but as more and more reports trickled in the disbelief and incredulity of the humans had slowly turned to wariness and in some cases outright panic. People had begun casting suspicious looks in my direction and once I overheard a couple of the nurses asking a doctor to "have a word" with me whilst accompanied by a member of security I knew it was time to leave.

I would have endured the questioning and stayed had I not been almost certain that Jamie was safe. Although still healing from the injuries he had sustained in the club, his condition had improved a great deal. Aside from this, there was also the fact that he was human; they would not harm one of their own. Besides which, there was no concrete evidence that he was associated with vampires in any way. They couldn't prove what I was if I wasn't present, and all they had to go by was my pale skin and symmetrical features, characteristics that the occasional human also shared.

He would also be relatively safe from the hunters, who no doubt also viewed him as a target due to his association with me. Before I'd left I'd quickly taken the opportunity to remove the tracking device from his arm with a scalpel I'd stolen from elsewhere in the building. Luckily it wasn't in particularly deep so I could get it out with minimum damage. I hoped the nurses didn't notice the small additional bandage he'd gained. It had taken only seconds to destroy the tiny metallic object, but I hoped that it would throw them off of his trail.

Beside me lay a small black bag packed with 5 blood bags from the hospital. Two were empty but the remaining three were full since I was trying ration them. The freezing temperature was preserving them as good as a fridge. I had found the bag in an empty doctor's office and emptied all the personal possessions it contained out onto the floor. It didn't take a minute to slip into the department where they stored the blood and take what I needed. Next to it laid another small holdall which I had salvaged from our hotel. I didn't want to have to replace all our clothes again so I thought it better to retrieve the ones we already had.

If I listened hard enough I could just about make out what was going on in his area of the hospital, the wing nearest to my current position. The police officer had made his way inside and was requesting to speak to Jamie. The nurse sounded concerned and objected, saying that he was resting. Eventually he was allowed access. The questions started off simple enough, the officer wanted to know where Jamie had gotten his wounds. I was impressed; he didn't even hesitate as he launched into a cover story of how he had been mugged, even going as far as to give the man a fictitious description of his attacker. It was pretty convincing.

Towards the end the questions became more difficult; he wanted to know who I was. Luckily he had the sense to plead ignorance;

"No I don't know her second name man; I just met her like... two minutes ago."

"The nurses have informed me that she claimed to be your girlfriend." The officer did not sound impressed.

Jamie hesitated for the tiniest fraction of a second; "Wow... I think she's a bit ahead of herself there... like I said, I barely know her."  

"Do you have a phone number for her?"

"Nah, I gave her mine but apparently she didn't see fit to return the favour." I heard the faint sound of him yawning "is this going to take much longer? I really want to get some sleep."

"No, not much longer, but if she happens to ring you, or contact you in any manner it would be very helpful if you could ring this number." He must have handed him a card because Jamie thanked him politely, and said his goodbyes.

A short while later the man emerged from the entrance and headed back towards his car, pulling his collar up against the harsh weather. He was tall and slim, with cropped dark hair and slight frown on his face, as if he was in deep thought about something. Quickly he climbed into his car and drove away, leaving me to contemplate his visit undisturbed.

It was obvious he was interested in me, which was alarming. Possibly the hospital staff had taken more notice of me than I had realised. But then, even if they did suspect what I was... did that give them any right to report me? Was that how it's going to be from now on? Was being a vampire reason enough to question me, or even possibly attempt to arrest me? I needed more information. 


This is the sequel to my first story Enlightenment, I would love any feedback that you may have so that I can improve my work. More parts will be posted shortly. Thank you for reading! :) 

Lauren x

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