☆ Prologue ☆

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"I can't do this anymore, Maine. I love you, I do. Honestly, I tried, I really did. But it hurts too much. Maybe... Maybe, in the future, when you are more mature and ready to commit to a relationship, we might be together again."

 Those words pierced through my heart. It hurts so bad. Remembering all the promises he made. "I will never let you go," he said, few years ago.

LIES!!! LIES!!!!!!!

I cry myself to sleep every night. I dread waking up every morning. I am broken, I am upset , I am angry, every emotion jumbled into one. At times, I do not want to live another day. It just... it hurts so much. He was everything to me, I told him everything, I changed for him. Why couldn't he understand? Why didn't he try harder? 


Days turned to weeks.

Weeks turned to months. 

When my friends found out about the pathetic situation I was in, they decided to drag me down to the club. My favourite past activity, clubbing. I was standing next to the bar, when a cute guy came over, "Hi, I think you're fucking adorable."

"Hi, I think you're a FUCKING numbnut!" I said with a sarcastic smile, flipping him off. I wasn't in the mood, I just wanted to dance til my legs hurt, get drunk, go home and sleep. Hopefully, I never have to wake up again.

That is when I realised, why should I wait around for someone who failed to keep his promises?Why should I cry over spilled milk? Why be in a relationship, when all I have to do is bat my eyelashes and I can have all the man slaves I want.

That is when I have decided I am not going to wallow. I am not going to be sad and sorry for myself. I am going to have fun riding solo.

Watch out bad boys and players, this girl is back in the game.


☆ End of Prologue 


Note : I suck at computers and I don't have Photoshop (OMG! WTF YOU LAME NOOB). Yeah, so the cover is pretty blah. Whatever. Anything beats the fugly orange default cover.

#EEL! (Eff Everyone's Life)

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