☆ Chapter 2 ☆ ~ The boy from work

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Was it my imagination? Because that sounded like his voice. I must be imagining things, I thought, while laughing at Jayce's jokes.


I heard it again. I looked around and saw him walking towards me. I quickly stood away from Jayce. A sincere smile formed on my lips as I ran towards him slamming myself against his muscular frame while giving him a tight hug. "I'll never want to let you go again. Never!", I said, without releasing him.

It was then, a pang of guilt hit me. I suddenly remembered that I was in a relationship with Jayce. I need to end it with Jayce before he finds out. "How should I tel-"

*BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!*

I jumped from my bed. "Fuck! Not again! Mr. Chin!"  I should have known that alarm clocks are not necessary when you have neighbours like Mr. Chin-son-of-a-b...bird. This morning, he decided to nail the wall instead, because hanging a picture of your naked pet chickens before the sun rises is important. Or else, Confucius will send you to jail. Or something.

Glancing at the table clock, I still have another half an hour before I need to get ready. I stared at the ceiling, reminiscing my dream of him. It felt surreal. My heart aches whenever I thought about him. Him......


Though it is a Sunday, I have to get to my part-time job at the record store. I was supposed to be working on Saturdays and Sundays, but I had someone else to replace me yesterday.

"Hey, Jake! Thanks for covering for me yesterday, it was very sweet of you," offering a smile to Jake. 

"N-n-no problem, Maine. You know, I-I... would do... anything for you," said Jake without looking at me in the eye. Jake has been my colleague for 4 years. It is also the duration of how long he liked me.  Jake never talks to me on the phone, but he sends sweet little messages all the time. He stutters when he talks to me, but is a whole different guy with other colleagues. Don't get me wrong, he is not ugly, or nerdy. In fact, he is the cutest thing and really sweet. But I wouldn't want to hurt someone as sweet as he is, so I never really gave him a chance.

Then, there was Daryl. Over-confident and narcissistic Daryl. Daryl's height is about 5' 11" and is fairly built. Though Daryl is Jake's best friend, they're complete opposites. However, Daryl started working in the record store only 3 months ago. "Hey, Maine, you look really good today." 

"Really, Daryl? Really?! We're all wearing the same uniform,"  I said, rolling my eyes.

After that, he tried to "sweep me of my feet" with lines from movies and songs. He even got some of the lyrics wrong. "How could you not know me? You belong with me."

"It's 'how could you not know, BABY'. Get it right, noob!"

"Oh, that's what she said!", Daryl said, laughing to himself. I can't help but roll my eyes again as I walked away. "I was kidding. How about you and me and dinner tonight, and some fun?", he asked.

"Fun, huh? Sure, we'll have some fun," I thought to myself. Giving him a smile, I replied, "Sure! Can't wait."


"Maine, I know we've not known each other very long. But when I saw you joking and laughing with other colleagues, I knew you were the one. Whenever you smiled, I would automatically smile along. You know, when you smile, you smile with your eyes too. Would you... Would you be my... girlfriend?"

I smiled without saying anything else because I do not know what to say. After the dinner tonight, I realised that Daryl wasn't as bad as I thought he was. And I only played with bad boys. I don't want to hurt the good guys. Like what I did to him. "Him...," I thought as I stared into nothingness. 

"Maine? Hey, are you okay?"

Snapping out of my thoughts, I replied,"Um... Daryl, I don't think it is such a good idea. I don't want to hurt you and all because you do seem like a nice guy."

"I am, I really am a nice guy. I put on a facade because... because I do not want... to look like... a boring guy. If you gave me a chance, you'd see that I can make you really happy. I'll make you smile all the time. Please?", Daryl said while holding onto both sides of my shoulders with much more force than necessary, a serious expression on his face. 

I tried to pry his hands off my shoulders, which instead, made his hold on me even tighter. Noticing that I was shifting uncomfortably, his hold on me loosened. "I think we're better off as friends, you know. I'll only break your heart. There's a girl out there who is perfect for you, but that girl is NOT me. I'll see you at work, okay?", I said while turning to walk away.

As I walked away, I felt him hug me from behind as he tighten his arms across my chest, "No, no. Please? Please don't walk away. I love you. I need you. Please..."

As much I would like to give him a chance, I knew I would end up breaking another heart as I could never love anyone else other than that someone. "Look, I do not like you. I think you're narcissistic and over-confident. I only went out with you so that you would stop being so annoying! I. DO. NOT. LIKE. YOU!", I spat the last words slowly and as clearly as possible while I walked away from him.

☆ End of Chapter 2 ☆

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