☆ Chapter 5 ☆ ~ It ended as quickly as it started

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"No! I do not want to be a doctor or a lawyer! I just want to be able to follow my dreams and do what ever makes me happy enough to look forward to every day!"  I was having an argument with my parents over the courses I should take when I head to college.

"Does being happy pay for bills? Does being happy fill your tummy? No, it doesn't! You are a first class student, why waste your future?"

I was very agitated that my own parents do not understand me at all. Money can't buy everything. I felt so upset and frustrated, while I trembled with anger inside. I have no one I can talk to. Not even Madeleine or Aimee. I don't like to burden other people with my own personal problems, which is why I always have this happy mask on my face all the time.  "Why bother asking me when you've already decided everything!" I ran up to my room, tears were already building up.

I lie on my bed sobbing, while my pillow muffles my screams. Then, my phone rang. After trying to calm myself down, I answered, "Hello?"

I guess I did not do a very good job of changing my voice as the other end of the phone asked, "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

That was when I burst out crying my heart out. "Sshhhh, don't cry. You'll be okay. Everything will be okay." We spent hours talking on the phone with Jayce trying to cheer me up by telling me lame jokes.

"In older superman movies, superman flew with one arm at the side, another one in front. Why is it in the newer superman movie, superman flies with both arms in front?" 

"I don't know? It gives him more speed to fly forward?"  unsure if it even makes sense while raising an eyebrow even though he couldn't see my expression.

"No, it is because in older superman movies, he is using a manual system, he had to shift the gear. In newer movies, it is automated, hence, he could use both hands to fly forward! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Haha...? You so duh funneh..." I said with a sarcastic tone.

"Okay, fine, you... suck! Seriously, can't you just go along with the flow and pretend it's funny? Geez! Tough crowd! Here is another one. What is the funniest main course ever cooked?" he asked while chuckling.

 "I... don't know?" 

"Lamb chops!!! Hahaha!" was his answer.


After a moment of silence, he tried to explain what it meant, "Lamb chops... lame jokes...? Lamb... lame... chop?" 

I was slightly amused, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction, "Ha... Ha... Ha...?" 

"Okay! I give up! You made me moody!" he said. I could just imagine him pouting his lips which made me broke out in laughter. "So, it makes you happy to see other people upset, huh? Hahaha. So, I'll see you at school tomorrow?" 

 "Yeap!.... Uh, Jayce... Ummm... Thanks," I felt as if he knew I was upset and decided to call at the right moment. I was grateful that he tried to cheer me up with his "lame chops".

"Nah, I'm glad to. Um... Maine... I... I love you."

I was dumbfounded for a moment, before I managed to utter, "Uhhh... Yeah, ok, bye..." I hung up as quickly as I could. I was so not ready for that. I wondered how the hell am I going to face him tomorrow. Damned! Or maybe...

Maybe... Just maybe, I could go to school as a ninja, I should be equipped with ninja skills, considering I'm an Asian after all. 


As I neared the school gates, I felt my hand perspire with anxiety. I still don't know what to tell him. Maybe I could blame it on the poor connection and pretended I didn't hear the last part. But what if he repeats those words again? Maybe it is better that I avoid him for now.

Looking around,  I moved as stealthily as possible. I'm a ninja, nin-ninja, ninja nin-

"EEEEEeeekk!!!!" I screamed when a hand suddenly tapped my shoulders. When I turned around, I was somewhat relief. Not much, but a little. "What the fuck do you want? Don't you know tapping people's shoulder brings bad luck? What if I bought the lotto today? Huh! What are you? Indian? How can you not know of such superstition? Shieeet!" I shouted at the stupid bitch who had previously glared at me once at the cafeteria and outside of Jayce's class yesterday. 

I am not a superstitious person but I really hate people tapping on my shoulders. Wondered what she wants now. Stupid bitch uses super-laser glare. It is not very effective. "Well? If you want to stand there and glare, don't tap on my shoulders next time," I said as I turned to walk away.

Stupid bitch uses wrist lock, it is very effective. "What the fuck? Let go... before I punch your boobs until it gets swollen, entitling you to a free blue-black boob job!" I said through gritted teeth, getting worked up. I am very short-tempered, and no bitch walks away from messing with me. 

"Listen, Jayce is mine. He only went after you because I wouldn't give him some. I know all about you pretending to cry over family matters trying to gain his sympathy. Let me tell you, it is not working, so BACK... OFF!" that bitch walked away right after she spat out those words.

It couldn't be. She is making it up. I... I... But I've only mentioned about my family to Jayce. I should have known that no one except myself is to be trusted. I feel so stupid. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID!!! I stormed to Jayce's class, before he could utter my name, I angrily, half-shouted, "I think us being together was a mistake that will never happen again!"

Though, I was a little fond of him, I wasn't hurt. I am used to the pain and numb to the sting by now. I just hate being played. Oh, the irony.

☆ End of Chapter 5 ☆

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